FlexiApp Project made for Vanhackathon. Receives a JSON/XML file and convert into a CSV, storing in GoogleDrive folder.
What we need?
-Visual Studio 2015+;
-GoogleDrive.Apis.V3 (NuGet install);
-Google Drive ClientId; //https://console.developers.google.com/
-Google Drive ProjectId; //https://console.developers.google.com/
-Google Drive ClientSecret; //https://console.developers.google.com/
-GoogleDriver folder to download and Upload.
Select the option that you want to do:
-Create New XML file;
-Create NEW JSON file;
-Send JSON to Csv;
-Send XML to Csv;
All options create and send to the specific GoogleDriver folder.
Documentation: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwR27ZcSMv0tWEFpYldtYjRLWm8