an interactive repl for debugging node programs.
run a node program but also attach a repl to the same context that your code runs in so you can inspect + mess with stuff as your program is running
available as a command-line tool
currently this only works on node >=0.12 and iojs as it uses a generator to make the eval loop preserve scope.
npm install node-repl -g
$ node-repl
Usage: node-repl <filename>
$ node-repl your-program.js
suppose we have a program called hello.js
that has these contents:
var pizza = 1
if you run node-repl hello.js
you will get a repl, just like when you run node
The difference is that this repl is running in the same context as your program.
$ node-repl hello.js
> 1 + 1 // we are in a node repl
> pizza // we can access variables in our program