Based on the solarized color scheme by Ethan Schoonover. See full details at
This project can be found at and is designed to be included as a subtree of
You can set these as your default /.minttyrc configuration file. This means that a mintty terminal reset doesn't lose your color settings. Simply append the appropriate file to your mintty config file (/.minttyrc) and then edit the file and tweak as below:
cat ./.minttyrc.light >> ~/.minttyrc
cat ./.minttyrc.dark >> ~/.minttyrc
Then open the config file and remove the 3 pre-existing color settings for:
ForegroundColour= ...
BackgroundColour= ...
CursorColour= ...
as they will be re-specified further down in the appended section.
If for any reason you would prefer not to change your config file, you can do the following:
Copy the two files into a directory in your home (for example .solar) and add one of the following lines to your .bashrc file:
source ~/%your directory%/sol.light
source ~/%your directory%/sol.dark
Color schemes can be swapped interactively using the same commands.