Hi! This is a collection of Jupyter Notebooks to demonstate how to generate interactive graphs and mathimatic formulas using Julia and Python.
Recommended browser to run these Jupyter Notebooks is Google Chrome.
This is the installation process to install jupyter notebook and then julia and python extensions to jupyter notebook
Open command prompt.
First it is a good idea to update pip so all packages work correctly, type the command into the command prompt window:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
After, install jupyter by typing the following command into the command prompt window:
python -m pip install jupyter
To open jupyter notebook, use the following command:
jupyter notebook
Matplotlib is a python library that allows you to display all sorts of 2D graphs.
Open command prompt and use the following command:
pip3 install matplotlib
If you are having trouble check out this tutorial: Using Matplotlib with Jupyter Notebook - GeeksforGeeks
To make graphs interactive, Inumpy is the python library for you!
Open command prompt and use the following command:
pip3 install ipympl
Go to the link below and find the installer that matches your operating system: Download Julia (julialang.org)
To use Julia with Jupyter notebooks, you need to install IJulia, allowing you to combines code, formatted text, math, and multimedia in a single document.
To install, open Julia.
run command:
using Pkg
after, run another command(for installing IJulia):