- Graceful Shutdown for your HTTP Server
- Graceful Shutdown for your Go Routines
- Middlewares for your Go Routines
- Cleanup after Shutdown
This package provides a method to gracefully shutdown your golang http server.
When a SIGTERM signal is received, the shutdown method on your server is executed. That means that no new connections are accepted but all running requests continue until finished.
func main() {
server := &http.Server{}
if err := graceful.ListenAndServe(server); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
log.Println("Could not start server, error:", err.Error())
After shutting down your server you can wait for registered go routines to finish before exiting.
func main() {
log.Println("Waiting for unfinished go routines...")
graceful.Wait() // blocks until all go routines are finished
To keep track of your started go routines you need to start them like this (otherwise you can't wait for them):
graceful.Run(func() {
// do not start a go routine on your own
// the go routine will be started in the package to keep track of it
It is possible to register middlewares that are applied automatically to all your go routines.
graceful.AddMiddleware(func(next func(context.Context)) func(context.Context) {
return func(ctx context.Context) {
// do something before your go routine
// do something after your go routine
For middlewares to be useful you should provide a context that is passed down to your function. The context is also available in all middlewares.
graceful.RunContext(context.Background(), func(ctx context.Context) {
// do not start a go routine on your own
// the go routine will be started in the package to keep track of it
import (
graceful.AddMiddleware(func(next func(context.Context)) func(context.Context) {
return func(ctx context.Context) {
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "go-routine")
defer span.End()
import (
graceful.AddMiddleware(func(next func(context.Context)) func(context.Context) {
return func(ctx context.Context) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
// handle panic as you see fit
After shutting down you may want to run some cleanup functions to close connections or flush some internal memory buffer. You can run them like this:
func main() {
log.Println("Running cleanup functions...")
In your code you just have to register the functions when you get them:
db, err := sqlx.Connect("mysql", config.FormatDSN())
graceful.AddCleanup(func() {
if err := db.Close(); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error closing db conn: %v", err)