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feat: reduce etas in structure instances
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mattrobball committed Jan 12, 2024
1 parent ad06882 commit c3df63d
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,459 additions and 2 deletions.
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions src/Lean/Elab/StructInst.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -505,8 +505,16 @@ mutual
return { ref, lhs := [FieldLHS.fieldName ref fieldName], val := val } :: fields
match Lean.isSubobjectField? env s.structName fieldName with
| some substructName =>
-- If one of the sources has the subobject field, use it
if let some val ← s.source.explicit.findSomeM? fun source => mkProjStx? source.stx source.structName fieldName then
-- If src is a term for a parent field and the field is that parent projection, use it
-- This is necessary as `findField? `A `toA` returns none hence so will `mkProjStx?`
-- The resulting extra eta expansion has a surprising effect on performance. Without
-- this change, the terms resulting from elaboration are larger. Worse, unification
-- must pull them apart when often, without the eta expansion, that would not be
-- necessary. This change occurred in #2478.
if let some stx := s.source.explicit.find? (·.structName == substructName) |>.map (·.stx) then
addField (FieldVal.term stx)
-- If one of the sources has the subobject field as a field, use it
else if let some val ← s.source.explicit.findSomeM? fun source => mkProjStx? source.stx source.structName fieldName then
addField (FieldVal.term val)
let substruct := ref substructName #[] [] s.source
Expand Down
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/run/structInstFast.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
import Lean

/-! This test uses a macro to generate a structure with `depth` nested structures and `width` fields
at each level. The structure is initialized with `val : α` at every field using the `with` construction pattern.
structure A0 extends A1 where
def a0 : A0 := { a1 with xm_1 := val, ..., xm_(width) := val}
def a'0: A0 := { a'1 with ...}
structure A(depth) extends Base where
structure Base where
base_1 : α
def base : Base := ⟨val, ..., val⟩
The test is then
set_option maxHeartbeats 200 in
example : a0 = a'0 := rfl
As this type of unification occurs over and over and over when type checking declarations, it needs
to be and stay fast. Before #2478, this test took over 700 heartbeats.
open Lean Parser Command
def mkIdent' (s : String) (i : Nat) := mkIdent <| Name.mkSimple <| s++s!"{i}"
def mkFieldsStx (type : TSyntax `ident) (s : String) (width : Nat) : MacroM (TSyntax ``structFields) :=
go type s width []
where go (type : TSyntax `ident) (s : String) (width : Nat)
(binds : List <| TSyntax ``structExplicitBinder) : MacroM (TSyntax ``structFields) := do
match width with
| 0 => `(structFields| $binds.reverse.toArray*)
| m+1 =>
let new ← `(structExplicitBinder| ($(mkIdent' s m) : $type))
go type s m (new::binds)
def baseIdent := mkIdent (Name.mkSimple "base")
def baseTypeIdent := mkIdent (Name.mkSimple "Base")
def init (type val : TSyntax `ident) (width : Nat) : MacroM (TSyntax `command) := do
let fieldsStx ← mkFieldsStx type "base_" width
let vals := Array.mkArray width val
`(structure $baseTypeIdent where
def $baseIdent : $baseTypeIdent := ⟨$vals,*⟩)
def mkStructAndInstStx (type val : TSyntax `ident) (width depth: Nat) : MacroM <| TSyntax `command := do
let init ← init type val width
go val width depth #[init]
where go (val : TSyntax `ident) (width depth : Nat) (cmds : Array <| TSyntax `command) :
MacroM <| TSyntax `command := do
match depth with
| 0 =>
let cmd : TSyntax `command := ⟨mkNullNode cmds⟩
| m+1 =>
let len :=
let newTerm (s : String) := if len = 1 then baseTypeIdent else mkIdent' s (m+1)
let newTerm' (s : String) := if len = 1 then baseIdent else mkIdent' s (m+1)
let fieldsStx ← mkFieldsStx type (s!"x{m}_") width
let nextStruct ←
`(structure $(mkIdent' "A" m) extends $(newTerm "A") where
let structVals ← (List.range width).mapM fun j =>
`(Term.structInstField| $(mkIdent' s!"x{m}_" j):ident := $val)
-- Note here we index backwards to `A0` is the deepest structure with terms `a0` and `a'0`
let nextStructInst ←
`(def $(mkIdent' "a" m) : $(mkIdent' "A" m) := { $(newTerm' "a"):ident with $structVals.toArray,* })
let nextStructInst' ←
`(def $(mkIdent' "a'" m) : $(mkIdent' "A" m) := { $(newTerm' "a'"):ident with $structVals.toArray,* })
let newCmd : TSyntax `command ←
go val width m (cmds.push newCmd)
/-- We build a structure with `depth` nested structures and `width` fields at each level.
The structure is initialized with `val` at every field using the `with` construction pattern. -/
macro "deep_wide_struct_inst_with" type:ident val:ident depth:num width:num : command =>
mkStructAndInstStx type val width.getNat depth.getNat
def foo : String := "foo"
deep_wide_struct_inst_with String foo 50 20
/- Structure instances using the `with` pattern should be fast. Without #2478, this takes over 700
heartbeats. -/
set_option maxHeartbeats 200 in
example : a0 = a'0 := rfl

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