A Nuget Package for Xamarin Forms. Interactive Xamarin Forms Calendar https://www.nuget.org/packages/ModernXamarinCalendar/
Install the Nuget Package using Nuget Package Manager or in the Package Manager Console run command:
Install-Package ModernXamarinCalendar -Version 1.0.4
In the XAML content page where you would like the Calendar to go (such as
), write within the Content Page Tag
Within your layout in the same XAML Page, place
<control:WeekControl x:Name="CalendarWeekControl"
BackgroundColor="SteelBlue" />
In the C# code for your content page (such as MainPage.xaml.cs
public void SelectedDateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var calendar = sender as WeekControl;
// Insert code here that you want to use the date selected for...
// control.SelectedDate returns a DateTime for the selected day.
In the same C# file, write within the constructor
CalendarWeekControl.SelectedDateChanged += SelectedDateChanged;
Download Images from
GitHub - Images - Download this folder for icons for the nuget package
and install them in your project
In the XAML page, set this property for the WeekControl
or in the C# code:
CalendarWeekControl.ShowDayName = true;
(The default value for ShowDayName
is false, so not specifying it means the
days will not show up).
In the XAML page, set this property for the WeekControl:
(The default value for ForegroundColor
is Black).