Get AppStore apps reviews, and rankings worldwide for every category.
git clone
cd appstat
make # 'make ios' to build for iOS
make install
Usage : appstat -a <app_id> [-g <genre> -l <list_size> -r -p -f]
-s <search> : search an app
-a <app_id> : the app ID to use
-b <bundle_id> : the start of the bundle ID to use
-c <country_code> : the country code to use for the search option (ex: US)
-g <genre> : the genre code (ex: 6012)
-r : list reviews
-f : search top free
-p : search top paid
-m : search top grossing
-l <list_size> : 1-200
appstat -s Omnistat -g 6002
appstat -a 898245825 -r
appstat -b ch.swift -m -g 6017