This package is a package for ROS2 Humble with the target of implementing Navigation Stack on the Agilex Robots, in particular to Scout Mini, Bunker and Bunker Pro. Currently the navigation stack in this base configuration is working on the Scout Mini.
The navigation stack is publish command velocity on cmd_vel_nav so you will need to use a twist_mux for remapping this to cmd_vel topic.
- Set the correct parameter for all the "services" (amcl, costmaps ecc..) of Nav2
- Create a BT that is able to switch between indoor and outdoor navigation
- Implement the "Dead man's switch" using twist_mux: joypad and nav2
- Add controller
- Add linearization
- Add Model Predictive Control
Small staff:
- Fix use_sim_time as default to true -> after edit the launch command
- Add the teleop_joy command.
- Update the use guide
mkdir -p <ros2_workspace>/src
cd <ros2_workspace>/src
git clone
For using the simulation you also need the following packages:
git clone
git clone
git clone -b humble
For using the real robot you need the following packages instead:
git clone
git clone -b humble
cd ..
colcon build
. install/setup.bash
This are usage example, the used file name or parameter values can be different in your case.
# Simulation case of
ros2 launch scout_navigation \
namespace:=scout_mini \
map_name:=workshop_big_empty_slam.yaml \
# Real robot of
ros2 launch scout_navigation use_sim_time:=False map_name:=velodyne_andata_5_destra.yaml nav2_params_file:=nav2_params_scout_mini.yaml rviz_params_file:=scout_mini_robot.rviz
- use_sim_time: usage of simulation time or not, default true
- use_rviz: usage of RVIZ2 for telemetry operation, default true
- map_name: name of the map that will be loaded into Nav2 stack present into the maps folder, default slam_farm.yaml
- namespace: namespace of the robot, default empty
- ekf_params_file: configuration file for the Extended Kalman Filter, present in the config folder of this package, default ekf_localization_with_gps.yaml
- nav2_params_file: configuration file for Navigation 2 stack, present in the config folder of this package, default nav2_params.yaml
- rviz_params_file: configuration file for RVIZ2, present in the config folder of this package, default scout_mini_navigation.yaml
TODO: still to test in an extensive way the fusion of data between: GPS / IMU / Robot Odometry.
This launch file can allow you to map an environment that can be later utilized for the navigation stack. This allow us to create a map starting from pre-recorded data.
# Real robot
ros2 launch scout_navigation
- namespace: namespace of the robot, default empty
- slam_params_file: configuration file for SLAM Toolbox, present in the config folder of this package, default mapper_params_offline.yaml
- autostart: automatically startup the SLAM Toolbox, ignored when use_lifecycle_manager is true, default true
- use_lifecycle_manager: enable bond connection during node activation, default false
This launch file can allow you to map an environment that can be later utilized for the navigation stack. This allow us to create a map from live data.
# Real robot
ros2 launch scout_navigation use_sim_time:=False
- namespace: namespace of the robot, default "empty"
- use_sim_time: usage of simulation time or not, default true
- slam_params_file: configuration file for SLAM Toolbox, present in the config folder of this package, default mapper_params_online_async.yaml
- scan: laser scan remapping of the robot, default scan
- tf: tf remapping of the robot, default tf
- tf_static: tf static remapping of the robot, default tf_static