This script will remove old versions of all contents for eZ Platform.
- Branch v1 & Tags 1.x : eZ Platform v1.x
- Branch v2 & Tags 2.x : eZ Platform v2.x
composer require matthewkp/ez-clean-up-versions
// app/AppKernel.php
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
new Matthewkp\EzCleanUpVersionsBundle\MatthewkpEzCleanUpVersionsBundle(),
- Add -v to have the full information regarding content and version ids removals.
- Add --keep to set the number of versions to keep
- Add --locationId to set the root location id to start processing
// /etc/cron.d/<your_cron_file> or /var/spool/cron/apache
0 0 * * * <user> cd <your_site_path> && php bin/console matthewkp:ez-clean-up-versions --env=<ENV> > 2>&1