Spacebar provides workspaces with an interface similar to vim tabs. Workspaces can display any buffer, but retain their own split layout. Spacebar is a user interface built on eyebrowse, which manages the workspaces.
Emacs keybindings are provided in the spacebar-command-map
keymap. Bind this keymap to a prefix of your choice:
(use-package spacebar
:bind-keymap ("C-c w" . spacebar-command-map)
Key | Action |
C-c C-w c | Prompt for a space name and create it or switch to it |
C-c C-w ” | Close the current space |
C-c C-w ’ | Switch to the most recent space |
C-c C-w 1 | Switch to space 1 |
C-c C-w 2 | Switch to space 2 |
C-c C-w 3 | Switch to space 3 |
C-c C-w 4 | Switch to space 4 |
C-c C-w 5 | Switch to space 5 |
C-c C-w 6 | Switch to space 6 |
C-c C-w 7 | Switch to space 7 |
C-c C-w 8 | Switch to space 8 |
C-c C-w 9 | Switch to space 9 |
C-c C-w 0 | Switch to space 0 |
C-c C-w < | Switch to the space to the left |
C-c C-w > | Switch to the space to the right |
C-c C-w , | Rename the current space |
Call (spacebar-setup-evil-keys)
to initialize the default evil-mode bindings:
(use-package spacebar
:after evil
Key | Action |
gt, :tabn[ext] | Switch to the space to the right |
gT, :tabp[revious], :tabN[ext] | Switch to the space to the left |
g` | Switch to the most recent space |
{count}gt | Switch to space {count}i |
:tabr[ewind], :tabf[irst[ | Switch to the first space |
:tabl[ast] | Switch to the last space |
:tabnew | Prompt for a space name and create it or switch to it |
:tabc[lose] | Close the current space |
To create (or switch to) spaces when switching between projects with projectile, call (spacebar-projectile-init)
(use-package spacebar
:after projectile
To create a dedicated workspace for deft notes, bind a key to spacebar-deft
(use-package spacebar
:after deft
:bind ("<f8>" . #'spacebar-deft)