A node module for traversing a directory recursively and performing a user-provided function on each.
##How to use
const traverseDirectory = require('traverse_directory');
let pathToDirectory = "path/to/directory";
function manipulateFile(filename, pathToFile){
//add code to perform on each file
//e.g. console.log(pathToFile + "/" + filename);
traverseDirectory(pathToDirectory, manipulateFile);
- A string indicating the path to the directory you wish to
performAction(filename, pathToFile)
- A user-provided function performed for
each file in directoryPath
's tree
* `filename` - the current file being operated on
* `pathToFile` - the path to the current file
Recursively walks the directory indicated by directoryPath
and asynchronously
applies the user-provided function, performAction
for each file found.