Feb 2 2018--- use in the gem file http://insecure.rails-assets.org to update the omniauth gem(security issues)..
so it appears: source 'http://insecure.rails-assets.org' do gem 'rails-assets-plugin' end ---end
June 11, 2017
prepopulate form with default data:
<%= f.input :user, :input_html => { :value => '[email protected]' } %>
may 13, 2017
delete search button on lounge search
<%= submit_tag "search", class: "btn-primary btn no-decor" %>
may 7, 2017
Cloudinary/carriewave was not working on heroku bc I didnt push the couldinary_url cred to heroku
figaro heroku:set -e production
heroku config
May 7, 2017
<% avatar_url = current_user.photo || "http://placehold.it/50x50" %>
avatar for navbar.. not working -------END
#May 5,2017
cloudinary and carrierwave form #With a regular rails form, use f.file_field :photo and f.hidden_field :photo_cache.
added_attrs = [:username, :fname, :lname, :photo, :photo_cache, :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me]
April 30
<%= f.input :zone, label: false, placeholder: "select zone", input_html: { class: "clear-order" } %>
April 29th
@lounge.zones => #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy [#<Zone id: 1, stall: "40", seat: "3", lounge_id: 83, created_at: "2017-04-26 05:30:05", updated_at: "2017-04-26 05:30:05">, #<Zone id: 2, stall: "20", seat: "4", lounge_id: 83, created_at: "2017-04-26 06:06:15", updated_at: "2017-04-26 06:06:15">]>
@lounge.zones.each{|x| x.stall} => [#<Zone id: 1, stall: "40", seat: "3", lounge_id: 83, created_at: "2017-04-26 05:30:05", updated_at: "2017-04-26 05:30:05">, #<Zone id: 2, stall: "20", seat: "4", lounge_id: 83, created_at: "2017-04-26 06:06:15", updated_at: "2017-04-26 06:06:15">]
@lounge.zones.all{|x| x.stall} => #<ActiveRecord::AssociationRelation [#<Zone id: 1, stall: "40", seat: "3", lounge_id: 83, created_at: "2017-04-26 05:30:05", updated_at: "2017-04-26 05:30:05">, #<Zone id: 2, stall: "20", seat: "4", lounge_id: 83, created_at: "2017-04-26 06:06:15", updated_at: "2017-04-26 06:06:15">]>
@lounge.zones.map{|x| x.stall} => ["40", "20"]
@lounge.zones.all.map{|x| x.stall} => ["40", "20"]
april 27th
<%= f.input :zone, label: false, placeholder: "select zone", input_html: { class: "clear-order" } %>
<%= f.input :zone, collection: @lounge.zones.each {|z| [z] }, label: false, prompt: "zones", input_html: { class: "clear-order" } %>
<% f.simple_fields_for :zone, @lounge.zones.each do |z| %>
<%= z.input select: [z]%>
<% end %>
<% @lounge.zones.sort{ |a, b| b.stall <=> a.stall }.each do |zone| %> <%= f.simple_fields_for zone do |z| %> <%= z.select(z.stall) %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% @lounge.zones.each do |z| %> <%= f.input :zone, label: false %> <% end %>
<% f.simple_fields_for :zone, @lounge.zones.each do |z| %>
<%= z.input select_tag: [z]%>
<% end %>
<% @lounge.zones.sort{ |a, b| b.stall <=> a.stall }.each do |zone| %>
<%= f.simple_fields_for zone do |z| %>
<%= z.input label: [z] %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
april 21, 2017
search forms that dont work.. WHY???
<%= simple_form_for lounges_path, :method => 'get' do |f| %>
<%= f.input :search, label: false, placeholder: "lounge or city" %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
<%= simple_form_for :pages, method: :get, url: search_path do |f| %>
<%= f.input :search, label: false, placeholder: "lounge or city" %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
New form works, but Im not certain why these do not...
april 11,2017 deleted from the home page
<%= link_to "sign out", destroy_user_session_path, class: "no-decor home-link", method: :delete %>
Part 2:
below is the starting point:
setInterval(function(){ $('#orders').load("lounges/show.html.erb"); }, 2000);
April 4, 2017 rails g pundit:policy class_name
authorize @bev
# ^ i think I need to authorize the @lounge here? authorize(@lounge)
or set_lounge
# ^^ I only want the lounge owner or admin to create bevs
March 18, 2017
Feb 24, 2017 undefined method `country_select' for #SimpleForm::FormBuilder:0x007ff969110728 dumb problem/bug with country.. so changed to 'nation'.. noby has time for this....
feb 19, 2017
<div class="container">
<div class="lounge-container">
<h1><%= @lounge.name %></h1>
<% @lounge.bevs.each do |bev|%>
<div class="bev-div">
<%= link_to bev_path(bev), class: "bev-path-link" do %>
<div class="bev-head">
<h3><%= bev.name %></h3>
</div><!--end of bev head-->
<div class="bev-body">
<p>description: <%= bev.desc %></p>
<p>category: <%= bev.variety %></p>
</div><!--end of bev body-->
<div class="bev-cost">
<p><%= bev.cost %></p>
</div><!-- end of cost-->
<% end %><!-- end of path-->
<div class="bev-action">
<%= link_to "order", bev_path(bev), class: "btn btn-primary" %>
</div> <!-- end of bev-div -->
<!-- The README FILE-->
<% end %><!-- end of loun bev loop -->
</div><!-- end of the loung-con -->
feb 18, 2017
below goes in the lounges#show
Feb, 14, 2017 NEW route file: NESTED RESOURCES(SHALLOW SET TRUE) #this eliminates the additional id params in the path.... bev GET /bevs/:id(.:format) bevs#show lounges show.html <% @lounge.bevs.each do |b|%> <%= link_to bev_path(b) do%> #=> http://localhost:3000/bevs/36
NESTED RESOURCES(NOT SHALLOW) lounge_bev GET /lounges/:lounge_id/bevs/:id(.:format) bevs#show lounges show.html <% @lounge.bevs.each do |b|%> <%= link_to lounge_bev_path(@lounge, b) do%> #=> http://localhost:3000/lounges/25/bevs/36
Feb 10, 2017 Model for generating money: $ rails generate model product 'price:decimal{10,2}'
This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions