HISAT2 is a fast and sensitive alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads (both DNA and RNA) to a population of human genomes as well as to a single reference genome.
Python (at least for hisat2-build) Perl
# Assumes current working directory is the top-level <tool>-docker-singularity directory
docker build -t hisat2:2.2.1 . # tag should match software version
- Can do this on Google shell
docker run --rm -it hisat2:2.2.1 hisat2 --help
# binary download includes example index and reads for testing:
docker run -ti --rm -v `pwd`:/data -w /data hisat2:2.2.1 \
bash -c "hisat2 -x /data/example_data/index/22_20-21M_snp -1 /data/example_data/reads/reads_1.fa -2 /data/example_data/reads/reads_2.fa -f > /dev/null"
# -x denotes basename of index files; -1/-2 paired read files; -f input fasta format; > /dev/null sends sam out put to void so we just see standard out message; all wrapped in bash -c or everything goes to /dev/null
# SUCCESSFUL TEST RESULT: Alignment summary with 100% overall alignment rate
docker run -ti --rm -v `pwd`:/data -w /data hisat2:2.2.1 \
hisat2-build /data/example_data/reference/22_20-21M.fa /dev/null
# resulting index just sent to /dev/null
# SUCCESSFUL TEST RESULT: index build messages
(skip if this image is already on your system)
docker images
docker save <Image_ID> -o hisat2_2.2.1-docker.tar && gzip hisat2_2.2.1-docker.tar # = IMAGE_ID of <tool> image
docker run -v "$PWD":/data --rm -it singularity:1.1.5 bash -c "singularity build /data/hisat2_2.2.1.sif docker-archive:///data/hisat2_2.2.1-docker.tar.gz"
NB: On Apple M1/M2 machines ensure Singularity image is built with x86_64 architecture or sif may get built with arm64
Next, transfer the hisat2_2.2.1.sif file to the system on which you want to run HISAT2 from the Singularity container
# set up path to the Singularity container
# Test that <tool> can run from Singularity container
singularity run $HISAT2_SIF hisat2 --help # depending on system/version, singularity may be called apptainer