📘 In this repository are stored some projects I did while learning C at University.
I want to improve my programming skills and understand better the C language.
To do so from time to time I will write some code, some of these will be very easy and basic projects, but I hope that in future they'll be more and more complex with the passing of the time.
This is a pretty basic calculator made in C.
It supports only opearions between two operands.
The only operations allowed are +, -, *, / and ^.
A calculator that operates only two operands is very limitating though. Because of that the first improvement I want to do is to make the calculator be able to operate multiple operands.
I upgraded the calculator using a dedicated function do calculate the operation.
Then slowly I will add more functions and I will optimize the app the more I can.
This program is very easy.
It asks the user if he wants to convert from °C to °F or the other way around. Then it asks the temperature to convert and when user enters the value, the program will output the converted temperature.
RECENT UPDATES: I created a separated function to convert the temperatures.
INSECURITIES: I'm not really sure whether it is or not a good idea to take numbers as character values in input. I did it for this program and it works great, but again, I don't know if it's a good manner or if there's a better way to do it.
🙏🏻 Please keep in mind that I'm still a beginner and this is just me sharing my improvement and learning path.