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Merge pull request #61 from ryan-nauman/feature/self-has-listened
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Feature/self has listened
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matt-h committed Oct 16, 2015
2 parents de91f06 + 61fd985 commit 359c544
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Showing 4 changed files with 7,057 additions and 3 deletions.
373 changes: 373 additions & 0 deletions definitions/backbone.d.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
// Type definitions for Backbone 1.0.0
// Project:
// Definitions by: Boris Yankov <>, Natan Vivo <>
// Definitions:

declare module Backbone {

interface AddOptions extends Silenceable {
at?: number;

interface HistoryOptions extends Silenceable {
pushState?: boolean;
root?: string;

interface NavigateOptions {
trigger?: boolean;
replace?: boolean;

interface RouterOptions {
routes: any;

interface Silenceable {
silent?: boolean;

interface Validable {
validate?: boolean;

interface Waitable {
wait?: boolean;

interface Parseable {
parse?: any;

interface PersistenceOptions {
url?: string;
beforeSend?: (jqxhr: JQueryXHR) => void;
success?: (modelOrCollection?: any, response?: any, options?: any) => void;
error?: (modelOrCollection?: any, jqxhr?: JQueryXHR, options?: any) => void;

interface ModelSetOptions extends Silenceable, Validable {

interface ModelFetchOptions extends PersistenceOptions, ModelSetOptions, Parseable {

interface ModelSaveOptions extends Silenceable, Waitable, Validable, Parseable, PersistenceOptions {
patch?: boolean;

interface ModelDestroyOptions extends Waitable, PersistenceOptions {

interface CollectionFetchOptions extends PersistenceOptions, Parseable {
reset?: boolean;

class Events {
on(eventName: string, callback?: Function, context?: any): any;
off(eventName?: string, callback?: Function, context?: any): any;
trigger(eventName: string, ...args: any[]): any;
bind(eventName: string, callback: Function, context?: any): any;
unbind(eventName?: string, callback?: Function, context?: any): any;

once(events: string, callback: Function, context?: any): any;
listenTo(object: any, events: string, callback: Function): any;
listenToOnce(object: any, events: string, callback: Function): any;
stopListening(object?: any, events?: string, callback?: Function): any;

class ModelBase extends Events {
url: any;
parse(response: any, options?: any): any;
toJSON(options?: any): any;
sync(...arg: any[]): JQueryXHR;

class Model extends ModelBase {

* Do not use, prefer TypeScript's extend functionality.
private static extend(properties: any, classProperties?: any): any;

attributes: any;
changed: any[];
cid: string;
collection: Collection<any>;

* Default attributes for the model. It can be an object hash or a method returning an object hash.
* For assigning an object hash, do it like this: this.defaults = <any>{ attribute: value, ... };
* That works only if you set it in the constructor or the initialize method.
defaults(): any;
id: any;
idAttribute: string;
validationError: any;
urlRoot: any;

constructor(attributes?: any, options?: any);
initialize(attributes?: any, options?: any): void;

fetch(options?: ModelFetchOptions): JQueryXHR;

* For strongly-typed access to attributes, use the `get` method only privately in public getter properties.
* @example
* get name(): string {
* return super.get("name");
* }
/*private*/ get(attributeName: string): any;

* For strongly-typed assignment of attributes, use the `set` method only privately in public setter properties.
* @example
* set name(value: string) {
* super.set("name", value);
* }
/*private*/ set(attributeName: string, value: any, options?: ModelSetOptions): Model;
set(obj: any, options?: ModelSetOptions): Model;

change(): any;
changedAttributes(attributes?: any): any[];
clear(options?: Silenceable): any;
clone(): Model;
destroy(options?: ModelDestroyOptions): any;
escape(attribute: string): string;
has(attribute: string): boolean;
hasChanged(attribute?: string): boolean;
isNew(): boolean;
isValid(options?:any): boolean;
previous(attribute: string): any;
previousAttributes(): any[];
save(attributes?: any, options?: ModelSaveOptions): any;
unset(attribute: string, options?: Silenceable): Model;
validate(attributes: any, options?: any): any;

private _validate(attributes: any, options: any): boolean;

// mixins from underscore

keys(): string[];
values(): any[];
pairs(): any[];
invert(): any;
pick(keys: string[]): any;
pick(...keys: string[]): any;
omit(keys: string[]): any;
omit(...keys: string[]): any;

class Collection<TModel extends Model> extends ModelBase {

* Do not use, prefer TypeScript's extend functionality.
private static extend(properties: any, classProperties?: any): any;

model: new (...args:any[]) => TModel;
models: TModel[];
length: number;

constructor(models?: TModel[] | Object[], options?: any);
initialize(models?: TModel[] | Object[], options?: any): void;

fetch(options?: CollectionFetchOptions): JQueryXHR;

comparator(element: TModel): number;
comparator(compare: TModel, to?: TModel): number;

add(model: {}|TModel, options?: AddOptions): TModel;
add(models: ({}|TModel)[], options?: AddOptions): TModel[];
at(index: number): TModel;
* Get a model from a collection, specified by an id, a cid, or by passing in a model.
get(id: number|string|Model): TModel;
create(attributes: any, options?: ModelSaveOptions): TModel;
pluck(attribute: string): any[];
push(model: TModel, options?: AddOptions): TModel;
pop(options?: Silenceable): TModel;
remove(model: TModel, options?: Silenceable): TModel;
remove(models: TModel[], options?: Silenceable): TModel[];
reset(models?: TModel[], options?: Silenceable): TModel[];
set(models?: TModel[], options?: Silenceable): TModel[];
shift(options?: Silenceable): TModel;
sort(options?: Silenceable): Collection<TModel>;
unshift(model: TModel, options?: AddOptions): TModel;
where(properties: any): TModel[];
findWhere(properties: any): TModel;

private _prepareModel(attributes?: any, options?: any): any;
private _removeReference(model: TModel): void;
private _onModelEvent(event: string, model: TModel, collection: Collection<TModel>, options: any): void;

// mixins from underscore

all(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number) => boolean, context?: any): boolean;
any(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number) => boolean, context?: any): boolean;
collect(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number, context?: any) => any[], context?: any): any[];
chain(): any;
contains(value: any): boolean;
countBy(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number) => any): _.Dictionary<number>;
countBy(attribute: string): _.Dictionary<number>;
detect(iterator: (item: any) => boolean, context?: any): any; // ???
drop(): TModel;
drop(n: number): TModel[];
each(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number, list?: any) => void, context?: any): any;
every(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number) => boolean, context?: any): boolean;
filter(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number) => boolean, context?: any): TModel[];
find(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number) => boolean, context?: any): TModel;
first(): TModel;
first(n: number): TModel[];
foldl(iterator: (memo: any, element: TModel, index: number) => any, initialMemo: any, context?: any): any;
forEach(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number, list?: any) => void, context?: any): any;
groupBy(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number) => string, context?: any): _.Dictionary<TModel[]>;
groupBy(attribute: string, context?: any): _.Dictionary<TModel[]>;
include(value: any): boolean;
indexOf(element: TModel, isSorted?: boolean): number;
initial(): TModel;
initial(n: number): TModel[];
inject(iterator: (memo: any, element: TModel, index: number) => any, initialMemo: any, context?: any): any;
isEmpty(object: any): boolean;
invoke(methodName: string, args?: any[]): any;
last(): TModel;
last(n: number): TModel[];
lastIndexOf(element: TModel, fromIndex?: number): number;
map(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number, context?: any) => any, context?: any): any[];
max(iterator?: (element: TModel, index: number) => any, context?: any): TModel;
min(iterator?: (element: TModel, index: number) => any, context?: any): TModel;
reduce(iterator: (memo: any, element: TModel, index: number) => any, initialMemo: any, context?: any): any;
select(iterator: any, context?: any): any[];
size(): number;
shuffle(): any[];
slice(min: number, max?: number): TModel[];
some(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number) => boolean, context?: any): boolean;
sortBy(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number) => number, context?: any): TModel[];
sortBy(attribute: string, context?: any): TModel[];
sortedIndex(element: TModel, iterator?: (element: TModel, index: number) => number): number;
reduceRight(iterator: (memo: any, element: TModel, index: number) => any, initialMemo: any, context?: any): any[];
reject(iterator: (element: TModel, index: number) => boolean, context?: any): TModel[];
rest(): TModel;
rest(n: number): TModel[];
tail(): TModel;
tail(n: number): TModel[];
toArray(): any[];
without(...values: any[]): TModel[];

class Router extends Events {

* Do not use, prefer TypeScript's extend functionality.
private static extend(properties: any, classProperties?: any): any;

* Routes hash or a method returning the routes hash that maps URLs with parameters to methods on your Router.
* For assigning routes as object hash, do it like this: this.routes = <any>{ "route": callback, ... };
* That works only if you set it in the constructor or the initialize method.
routes: any;

constructor(options?: RouterOptions);
initialize(options?: RouterOptions): void;
route(route: string|RegExp, name: string, callback?: Function): Router;
navigate(fragment: string, options?: NavigateOptions): Router;
navigate(fragment: string, trigger?: boolean): Router;

private _bindRoutes(): void;
private _routeToRegExp(route: string): RegExp;
private _extractParameters(route: RegExp, fragment: string): string[];

var history: History;

class History extends Events {

handlers: any[];
interval: number;

start(options?: HistoryOptions): boolean;

getHash(window?: Window): string;
getFragment(fragment?: string, forcePushState?: boolean): string;
stop(): void;
route(route: string, callback: Function): number;
checkUrl(e?: any): void;
loadUrl(fragmentOverride: string): boolean;
navigate(fragment: string, options?: any): boolean;
started: boolean;
options: any;

private _updateHash(location: Location, fragment: string, replace: boolean): void;

interface ViewOptions<TModel extends Model> {
model?: TModel;
// TODO: quickfix, this can't be fixed easy. The collection does not need to have the same model as the parent view.
collection?: Backbone.Collection<any>;
el?: any;
id?: string;
className?: string;
tagName?: string;
attributes?: {[id: string]: any};

class View<TModel extends Model> extends Events {

* Do not use, prefer TypeScript's extend functionality.
private static extend(properties: any, classProperties?: any): any;

constructor(options?: ViewOptions<TModel>);
initialize(options?: ViewOptions<TModel>): void;

* Events hash or a method returning the events hash that maps events/selectors to methods on your View.
* For assigning events as object hash, do it like this: = <any>{ "event:selector": callback, ... };
* That works only if you set it in the constructor or the initialize method.
events(): any;

$(selector: string): JQuery;
model: TModel;
collection: Collection<TModel>;
//template: (json, options?) => string;
setElement(element: HTMLElement|JQuery, delegate?: boolean): View<TModel>;
id: string;
cid: string;
className: string;
tagName: string;

el: any;
$el: JQuery;
setElement(element: any): View<TModel>;
attributes: any;
$(selector: any): JQuery;
render(): View<TModel>;
remove(): View<TModel>;
make(tagName: any, attributes?: any, content?: any): any;
delegateEvents(events?: any): any;
undelegateEvents(): any;

_ensureElement(): void;

function sync(method: string, model: Model, options?: JQueryAjaxSettings): any;
function ajax(options?: JQueryAjaxSettings): JQueryXHR;
var emulateHTTP: boolean;
var emulateJSON: boolean;

// Utility
function noConflict(): typeof Backbone;
var $: JQueryStatic;

declare module "backbone" {
export = Backbone;

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