matrix-react-sdk End to End Tests #1876
2 errors, 5 warnings, and 1 notice
Run Playwright tests:
1) spaces/threads-activity-centre/threadsActivityCentre.spec.ts:82:9 › Threads Activity Centre › should update with a thread is read
Error: jsHandle.evaluateHandle: Execution context was destroyed, most likely because of a navigation.
at spaces/threads-activity-centre/index.ts:87
85 | }
86 |
> 87 | const promise = room.evaluateHandle(
| ^
88 | async (room, { message, includeThreads }) => {
89 | let ev = room.timeline.find((e) => e.getContent().body === message);
90 | if (!ev && includeThreads) {
at MessageBuilder.getMessage (/home/runner/work/matrix-js-sdk/matrix-js-sdk/playwright/e2e/spaces/threads-activity-centre/index.ts:87:30)
at MessageContentSpec.getContent (/home/runner/work/matrix-js-sdk/matrix-js-sdk/playwright/e2e/spaces/threads-activity-centre/index.ts:122:53)
at Helpers.sendMessageAsClient (/home/runner/work/matrix-js-sdk/matrix-js-sdk/playwright/e2e/spaces/threads-activity-centre/index.ts:192:61)
at Helpers.receiveMessages (/home/runner/work/matrix-js-sdk/matrix-js-sdk/playwright/e2e/spaces/threads-activity-centre/index.ts:235:9)
at Helpers.populateThreads (/home/runner/work/matrix-js-sdk/matrix-js-sdk/playwright/e2e/spaces/threads-activity-centre/index.ts:345:13)
at /home/runner/work/matrix-js-sdk/matrix-js-sdk/playwright/e2e/spaces/threads-activity-centre/threadsActivityCentre.spec.ts:84:9
Run Playwright tests:
2) timeline/timeline.spec.ts:467:13 › Timeline › message displaying › should render EventTiles on IRC, modern (group), and bubble layout
Error: Screenshot comparison failed:
6560 pixels (ratio 0.02 of all image pixels) are different.
Expected: /home/runner/work/matrix-js-sdk/matrix-js-sdk/playwright/snapshots/timeline/timeline.spec.ts/event-tiles-bubble-layout-linux.png
Received: /home/runner/work/matrix-js-sdk/matrix-js-sdk/playwright/test-results/timeline-timeline-Timeline-1502b-ern-group-and-bubble-layout/event-tiles-bubble-layout-actual.png
Diff: /home/runner/work/matrix-js-sdk/matrix-js-sdk/playwright/test-results/timeline-timeline-Timeline-1502b-ern-group-and-bubble-layout/event-tiles-bubble-layout-diff.png
Call log:
- expect.toHaveScreenshot(event-tiles-bubble-layout.png) with timeout 5000ms
- verifying given screenshot expectation
- waiting for locator('.mx_MainSplit')
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_MainSplit">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- 26765 pixels (ratio 0.05 of all image pixels) are different.
- waiting 100ms before taking screenshot
- waiting for locator('.mx_MainSplit')
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_MainSplit">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- 26765 pixels (ratio 0.05 of all image pixels) are different.
- waiting 250ms before taking screenshot
- waiting for locator('.mx_MainSplit')
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_MainSplit">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- 6560 pixels (ratio 0.02 of all image pixels) are different.
- waiting 500ms before taking screenshot
- waiting for locator('.mx_MainSplit')
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_MainSplit">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- captured a stable screenshot
- 6560 pixels (ratio 0.02 of all image pixels) are different.
555 | page.locator(".mx_RoomView").getByText("This message has an inline emoji 👒"),
556 | ).toBeInViewport();
> 557 | await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot(
| ^
558 | "event-tiles-bubble-layout.png",
559 | screenshotOptions,
560 | );
at /home/runner/work/matrix-js-sdk/matrix-js-sdk/playwright/e2e/timeline/timeline.spec.ts:557:57
Run Playwright tests:
spotlight/spotlight.spec.ts took 2.1m
Run Playwright tests:
threads/threads.spec.ts took 34.5s
Run Playwright tests:
user-onboarding/user-onboarding-new.spec.ts took 30.3s
Run Playwright tests:
widgets/widget-pip-close.spec.ts took 20.4s
Run Playwright tests:
widgets/layout.spec.ts took 18.2s
Run Playwright tests
2 flaky
spaces/threads-activity-centre/threadsActivityCentre.spec.ts:82:9 › Threads Activity Centre › should update with a thread is read
timeline/timeline.spec.ts:467:13 › Timeline › message displaying › should render EventTiles on IRC, modern (group), and bubble layout
3 skipped
66 passed (9.5m)