Download or clone (recommended, you'll be able to easily update all the changes) this repository on your computer.
Then, open 1-Simple and others with Open project in Pinegrow.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT open the whole MasterPagesTutorial as a Pinegrow project. Each tutorial part is an independent Pinegrow project. Open each individualstep as a project in Pinegrow. Use the latest version of Pinegrow.
Open master.html and read the "About this page" section on the top of the master.
Open index.html and read "About this page".
Here we have a header with multiple elements that should be editable or optional. We show 3 different approaches, with different degrees of child pages customisation.
Open index.html and read "About this page".
Here, we took the navigation example and made page head information editable: title, page description and page keywords, so that every page can have different settings.
Open index.html and read "About this page".
Here we explore what happens when master page and child page have different editable areas. Master page (index.html) has editable area with the id "content" and the child page (child.html) has an editable area with the id "main-content". Updating the child page will result in losing the current content of its editable area.
Open index.html and read "About this page".
Optional areas of the master page can be deleted and restored on child pages.
Open index.html and read "About this page".