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This project was built using Maven 3.0.4
You can download maven from
This tool help to resolve dependencies and build the project in an easy way.
Also, given that the Mahout community is making extensive use of maven is easy to integrate everything with maven.

The review data set can be downloaded from the project SNAP
From those links we used the one that is named Electronics.txt.gz
Have in mind that extracted the file requeries 1.1Gb of space.

Once extracted the file you have to copy the same to the folder src/main/resources of the project.
It is important that the name of the file be "Electronics.txt"

To run the code we generated a jar runnable from Eclipse.
In order to do this you have to run the following command from maven in a console.
The path directory must be where the file pom.xml of the project is.

mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

After that you can import the source code in Eclipse. To import the code to Eclipse:
	1) Copy the folder ml-term-project with the source code to you workspace.
	2) Open Eclipse
	3) Go to the menu File -> Import
	4) Select the option "Existing Projects into Workspace" press next.
	5) Select the option "Select root directory" press the browse button and
	select the folder with the source code.
	6) then press finish.
Notes: Eclipse may show error message at part of the code.
Known issue is openJDK may cause eclipse complain @Override for several positions in source code, please 
feel free to remove or comment them out before start running eclipse.

Before use use the classifier is necessary to download some models used by OpenNLP.
You can download the binary files from
Also, you need to copy or move those files to the folder /src/main/resources
The models are:
1) POSTagger Model en-pos-perceptron.bin (
2) Sentence Detector Model en-sent.bin (
3) Tokenizer Model en-token.bin (

Also to do the sentiment analysis is necessary to download the database from SentiWordNet.
You can download from and you need to copy to the folder

To generate the file with the features to feed the machine learning algorithm you have 2 options.
1) Extract all the features (more than 1M) from the Electronics.txt file.
2) Extract a number of reviews from the Electronics.txt file.
For the 1st option you can run the file going to the Run menu and then choose the option "Run As" and select 
the option "Java Application".
For the 2nd option you have to run the same file ( but with an argument which is the number of reviews that 
you want.   

To add the arguments to Eclipse to run a program in general you need to follow this steps:
	1) Go to the menu Run -> Run Configurations
	2) In the first icon of the upper left of the new window click in the button that says "New launch configuration".
	2) In the "Project" field write: {name of the project where is the code} In this case is ml-term-project
	3) In the "Main class" field write: {Name of the class that has the main method} In this case is
	4) Go to the second tab named "Arguments"
	5) In the field "Program arguments" write add the arguments. In this case is just a number like: 10000

This Parser will generate the features in a CSV file. The file will be features.csv. 	

After extract the features is necessary to remove all the records with NaN value in any of the predictor variables, 
otherwise, that would give a wrong answer. To remove those records you can ran the script in 

Those records are the result of some reviews that doesn't have text to generate a sentimental analysis.

That script will generate a new file named features-no-nan.csv  
Then you can split the last file to have a training data set and a test data set.
For example, if the file has N records (lines) taking the first L lines for training and the rest for test.
Note: You can check how many lines there is in a file executing: wc -l {file-name} 
To do that you can run in a bash console.
head -n L features-no-nan.csv > train.csv
tail -n (N-L) features-no-nan.csv > test.csv

To remove the first column from the test.csv file you can run
awk 'BEGIN { FS=","; OFS="," } {$1="";gsub(",+",",",$0)}1' test.csv > test-1.csv
head -n 1 train.csv | cat - test-1.csv > test.csv

To run the SGD algorithm you can copy those files (train.csv and test.csv) to src/main/resources and
run ReviewClassificationWithTestFileMain.


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