Convert the dependencies in build.zig.zon
to a Nix expression
zon2nix > deps.nix
zon2nix zls > deps.nix
zon2nix zls/build.zig.zon > deps.nix
To use the generated file, add this to your Nix expression:
postPatch = ''
ln -s ${callPackage ./deps.nix { }} $ZIG_GLOBAL_CACHE_DIR/p
This build.zig.zon
from zls
.name = "zls",
.version = "0.11.0",
.dependencies = .{
.known_folders = .{
.url = "",
.hash = "122048992ca58a78318b6eba4f65c692564be5af3b30fbef50cd4abeda981b2e7fa5",
.diffz = .{
.url = "",
.hash = "122089a8247a693cad53beb161bde6c30f71376cd4298798d45b32740c3581405864",
.binned_allocator = .{
.url = "",
.hash = "1220363c7e27b2d3f39de6ff6e90f9537a0634199860fea237a55ddb1e1717f5d6a5",
produces the following nix expression
# generated by zon2nix (
{ linkFarm, fetchzip }:
linkFarm "zig-packages" [
name = "1220363c7e27b2d3f39de6ff6e90f9537a0634199860fea237a55ddb1e1717f5d6a5";
path = fetchzip {
url = "";
hash = "sha256-m/kr4kmkG2rLkAj5YwvM0HmXTd+chAiQHzYK6ozpWlw=";
name = "122048992ca58a78318b6eba4f65c692564be5af3b30fbef50cd4abeda981b2e7fa5";
path = fetchzip {
url = "";
hash = "sha256-U/h4bVarq8CFKbFyNXKl3vBRPubYooLxA1xUz3qMGPE=";
name = "122089a8247a693cad53beb161bde6c30f71376cd4298798d45b32740c3581405864";
path = fetchzip {
url = "";
hash = "sha256-3CdYo6WevT0alRwKmbABahjhFKz7V9rdkDUZ43VtDeU=";