Functional languages usually fits quite well with the actor framework, so having a good support for F# in make sense.
Most of the examples below is from the example01basicactors
example in the
folder. There are also some other examples in the examples
if you need it.
After you have added Proto.FSharp
from nuget it is super easy to get started,
so let us start our first actor:
let pid = Actor.create (printfn "Hello from actor: %A") |> Actor.initProps |> Actor.spawn
"Hello world" >! pid
The first line spawns and actor and returns the pid
, on the next we send a
message to pid
If you want to reply back to the sender you need to use another helper to create the actor:
let handler (context: Proto.IContext) (msg: obj) =
match msg with
| :? String as s -> sprintf "You said: %s" s >! context.Sender
| x -> printfn "Unhandled message: %A" x
let pid = Actor.create2 handler |> Actor.initProps |> Actor.spawn
"Hello world" >? pid |> Async.RunSynchronously |> printfn "Response: %A"
expects a function that takes IContext
in addition to the
message as input. When you have the IContext
you can just send a message back
to IContext.Sender
, or use IContext.Repond(...)
There is also a simple helper that you can use if you want to create an actor that has state.
let handler msg state =
let state' = sprintf "%s %s" (state.ToString()) (msg.ToString())
printfn "Current state: %A" state'
let pid = Actor.withState handler "" |> Actor.initProps |> Actor.spawn
"Hello world" >! pid
"Hello world again" >! pid
creates an actor with an initial state that you pass in after
the handler function. The returning state from that function will be passed as
argument to the next message handling.
This example combines all of the above to one slightly more complex example.
let handler (context: Proto.IContext) (msg: obj) state =
let state' =
match msg with
| :? String as s ->
let state' = sprintf "%s %s" (state.ToString()) (msg.ToString())
sprintf "Current state: %A" state' >! context.Sender
| x -> state
let pid = Actor.withState2 handler "" |> Actor.initProps |> Actor.spawn
"Hello world" >? pid |> Async.RunSynchronously |> printfn "Response: %A"
"Hello world again" >? pid |> Async.RunSynchronously |> printfn "Response: %A"
Here we use the Actor.withState2
to both have state, and also have access to
the IContext
so we can send a message back to the sender.
If you need to take even more control and the helpers Actor.create
, Actor.withState
and Actor.withState2
isn't enough you can
use the proto { ... }
computation expression do control how you receive a
message. The following example is the same as above, but here we use proto
let handler (actor: Actor<obj>) =
let rec loop state =
proto {
let! (ctx, msg) = actor.Receive()
let state' =
match msg with
| :? String as s ->
let state' = sprintf "%s %s" (state.ToString()) (msg.ToString())
sprintf "Current state: %A" state' >! ctx.Sender
| x -> state
return! loop state'
loop ""
let pid = handler |> Actor.initProps |> Actor.spawn
"Hello world" >? pid |> Async.RunSynchronously |> printfn "Response (comp): %A"
"Hello world again" >? pid |> Async.RunSynchronously |> printfn "Response (comp): %A"
It is not much more complicated, but by using the proto
computation expression
we can now wait for messages with actor.Receive
. This approach also makes it
easier to create some initial state or do other setup steps in the actor.
No helpers has been implemented around the cluster at the moment, since it is easy to use the regular .NET API works fine at the moment.