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Matthew Shepherd edited this page May 6, 2017 · 4 revisions

AmpTools Overview

The AmpTools package is a collection of libraries that are useful for performing unbinned maximum likelihood fits to data using a set of interfering amplitudes. In the spirit of similar packages, such as CLHEP, the goal is to provide a set of routines that manages the technical aspects of performing fits to large sets of data without imposing any constraints on the parametrization of of the physics model to which the data will be fit.

The software was designed by Hrayr Matevosyan, Ryan Mitchell, and Matt Shepherd at Indiana University, with support from the NSF Physics at the Information Frontier Program. The implementation of MINUIT that is distributed with the package was written by Lawrence Gibbons at Cornell University, based on the ROOT TMinuit class.

In order to handle large data sets that are anticipated from the next generation of experiments, the software can be run in parallel over multiple cores or machines in a cluster using MPI. The software also can be dramatically accelerated by enabling the use of supported NVIDIA graphics cards.

Getting Started

The best way to get started with AmpTools is to download and install the package and work with the provided Tutorials. The Dalitz tutorial inside of the Tutorials directory provides a complete example of how to use AmpTools for a variety of different analysis tasks.

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