This is a demo repo to allow for a fast setup of Docusaurus on Github pages
To begin with this repository you have two options:
- (a) Fork this repository. When you do it, make sure you fork all branches, not only main. Github Actions need the "gh-pages" branch to deploy the site.
- (b) Clone it to your local filesystem, create a new repository on your github account and push it there. Upon pushing the github actions should trigger and create the gh-pages branch. If it doesn't, make a small change to this file and push it again.
There are other changes you need to do:
- Github Actions need to be enabled (Settings -> Actions -> General)
- Actions permissions:
- Allow all actions and reusable workflows
- Workflow permissions:
- Read and write permissions
- Actions permissions:
- Github Pages must also be enabled (Settings -> Pages)
- Source
- Deploy from a branch
- Branch
- gh-pages (on the dropdown)
- Source
You can generate a PDF from the docs section of your Docusaurus website. Just run the following command after replacing the URL with your own:
npx docusaurus-prince-pdf --include-index -u
Another alternative is using Docs-to-pdf with the following command as example:
npx docs-to-pdf --initialDocURLs="" --contentSelector="article" --paginationSelector="a.pagination-nav__link.pagination-nav__link--next" --excludeSelectors=".margin-vert--xl a,[class^='tocCollapsible'],.breadcrumbs,.theme-edit-this-page" --coverImage="" --coverTitle="Docusaurus v2" --pdfMargin="40,60,70,80"