Hate writing queries in strings?
neo4j-kt is a DSL for Cypher query language for Kotlin and Neo4j graph database users.
When integrated with driver library for Java, neo4j-kt is a powerful tool for describing and executing queries to the graph database. Look at the Neo4j usage example.
Describing nodes, relationships and complex queries becomes as easy as a pie:
class Restaurant(val name: String, val food: String, val workers: Map<String, Int>)
val rest = Restaurant("Harakiri", "Sushi", mapOf("chefs" to 1, "cooks" to 10, "waiters" to 70))
val req = create {
+ node("rest", "Restaurant") {
"name" value rest.name
"food" value rest.food
for ((k, v) in rest.workers)
k value v
Current available functions:
- Describing nodes
val node = node("cat", "Cat") {
"livesAt" value "home"
- Describing relationships
val rel = relationship("m", "MARRIED") { "when" value "longAgo" }
- Describing patterns with different length and directions
val req = create {
node("me") has relationship(type="KNOWS") [ANY upTo 2] to node("remoteFriend")
- Pattern for path series
val acted = relationship(type="ACTED_IN")
val filmed = relationship(type="FILMED")
val actor = node(label="Person")
val movie = node("movie", "Movie")
val hollywood = node("hollywood", "Hollywood")
val req = create {
actor has acted to movie which filmed by hollywood
val req = match {
+ node("a", "Person")
+ node("b", "Person")
} where {
+ ("n.age" lessThan 30)
} and create {
node("a") has relationship("r" , "RELTYPE") to node("b")
} returns "type(r)"
val req = match {
+ node("a")
+ node("b")
} where {
+ (("a.age" notEqualTo "b.age") and not(("a.name" contains "K") or ("b.age" greaterThan 2)))
- RETURN, ORDER BY, LIMIT requirements
val req = match {
+ node("n")
} where {
+ ("n.age" lessThan 30)
} returns "n.name" orderBy "n.name" limit 3
and other features to make life easier.
To be continued...