This is a copy of the original ArmchairGM codebase (wikia-ny branch from Wikia's SVN), as it was as of r40097, 1 August 2011.
This is here because as of 28 August 2013, Wikia's SVN seems to be down (for good?) given that Wikia has moved all development efforts to GitHub.
This source code is provided as-is FOR REFERENCING PURPOSES AND DUE TO HISTORICAL INTEREST ONLY. You are strongly advised against putting this codebase anywhere near a production environment, because this is an outdated and buggy release of MediaWiki with some custom hacks.
Most of the extensions available here are nowadays available as social tools (see on
These files were added to GitHub by Jack Phoenix <[email protected]></[email protected]>
If you have any questions about them, please leave a message on my user talk page on
That's great! Please note that as explained above, this codebase is unsupported and no patches will be accepted against this codebase.
Most of the features available here have been released as separate extensions, which are supported. See for more info.
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