This project is internal platform for Slowpath.
Before you get involved in this project please get familiar with Guide for programming style documenting standard practices.
For getting your development machine set up for Ruby on Rails development you can use Laptop. This shell script turns your Linux or Mac OS X laptop into an awesome development machine.
If you need to enhance your development machine you can use Dotfiles. Dotfiles is a set of configuration files for zsh, vim, git, tmux, and ack.
Make sure you have PostgreSQL 9.3+ installed in your system.
Exact version of ruby is specified in .ruby-version
file in root of project. Also specifiy ruby version in Gemfile
Use bundler to install and maintaing gem dependencies. Use setup script to bootstrap your environment.
bundle exec setup
Use PostgreSQL 9.3 or higher in all environments. For development environment it's recommended to use
In development it's recommended to use following command which recreates & migrate database and seeds it with initial data.
bundle exec rake db:remigrate
bundle exec rake db:create # create db
bundle exec rake db:migrate # migrate db
bundle exec rake devise:create # create user
heroku run rake db:migrate # for staging server add option -a auditster-stage
heroku pgbackups:capture
curl -o ~/Downloads/latest.dump `heroku pgbackups:url`
pg_restore --verbose -c -O -d rails_insights_development ~/Downloads/latest.dump
pg-extras addon must be installed: heroku plugins:install git://
dropdb rails_insights_development && heroku pg:pull DATABASE rails_insights_development
heroku pgbackups:capture # OPTIONAL: backup database first
heroku pg:reset DATABASE && heroku pg:push rails_insights_development DATABASE
Minitest is used as a testing framework. For running whole test suite:
bundle exec rake test
We're using standard Rails tests with Capybara and Poltergeist.
Poltergiest Install phantomjs for poltergeist.
brew install phantomjs
Currently we don't use any kind of these 3rd party services.
Deployment is done with Heroku's Git based deploy To deploy to production just run:
git push heroku master
Get familiar with Github Flow and stick with it on this project. We're using Github Issues as an issue tracker. All related tasks are there.