This is an open source design for a FLiR thermal camera built on the raspberry Pi.
- Flir Lepton module
- Raspberry Pi 2
- 7 inch touchscreen
- ~1 hour battery life
- Rechargeable
- Battery monitoring into linux
- Button interface for capturing screenshots, mounting and unmounting usb
- Buttons can trigger custom shell scripts which can be edited from the OS
- Raspbian
- Flir Video monitor demo for the Lepton module
- Custom qt4 application for system monitor
- scrot screen capture
- capture for capturing usb video streams
- ffmpeg for compression
- Operates as class compliant keyboard for some functions (login screepting). TODO: auto login
- Operates as USB serial TTY for running screen capture/custom scripts
- Button hold features implemented, can be used for alternate scripts of sudoing the scripts
- 2 powercells
- 2 lipo batteries
- Physical battery disconnect switch
- MCU connected by USB
- Diode or-ing of power rails, priority to source
- 4 buttons
- 1 LED
- analog channels calibrated by TLV431 bandgap ref
- Measures battery voltages and system rail
This is released under the Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
Please consider contributing back to this library or others to help the open-source hardware community continue to thrive and grow!