Retrieve information about a CloudFormation Stack
- name: get cloudformation stack facts details
cloudformation_stack_facts: stack_name="example_stackname" region="{{ region }}"
register: cfn_stack
- debug: var=cfn_stack
This module returns a datastructure containing the params, outputs, resources and tags included in a stack as well as other stack attributes such as status, created time and description.
Retrieve information about an Elastic Load Balancer
- name: Retrieve details for the ELB
elb_facts: elb_name="appname-UAS42ASXZ" region="{{ region }}"
register: elb_info
- debug: var=elb_info
The structure returned looks like this:
"elb_info": {
"created_time": "2015-05-07T13:42:46.510Z",
"cross_az_lb": true,
"dns_name": "",
"name": "appname-UAS42ASXZ",
"scheme": "internet-facing",
"vpc_id": "vpc-23df567d8",
"zone_id": "Z3NF1ZF1HGF3"
Basic module to return information about a route53 hosted zone.
- name: get route53 info
route53_zone_facts: zone_name="" region="eu-west-1"
register: zone_info
- debug: var=zone_info
The structure returned looks like this:
"zone_info": {
"changed": false,
"invocation": {
"module_args": "zone_name=\"\" region=\"eu-west-1\"",
"module_name": "route53_zone_facts"
"name_servers": [
"record_count": "2001",
"zone_comment": "Public zone.",
"zone_id": "ZLT8CAAHEM",
"zone_name": "",
"zone_type": "public"
Basic module that returns facts for the yum plugins installed on the host.
- name: Retrieve yum plugin details
- debug: var=yum_plugins
Sample output
TASK: [debug var=yum_plugins]
ok: [localhost] => {
"var": {
"yum_plugins": {
"disabled": [
"enabled": [
"plugin": [
A simple notification plugin for the Prezi Changelog event dashboard:
- local_action: changelog message="Ansible playbook is running - 003"
- local_action: changelog
message="An issue was detected in our Ansible playbook!"
Most of the AWS Lookup plugins contained here assume that you have a correctly configured .aws/credentials file. This provides the credentials for boto, the underlying AWS library used by Ansible.
Allows you to look up the available AWS Regions and then filters out any that contain the string 'gov'
- shell: echo region is =={{ item }}==
with_items: lookup('aws_regions').split(',')
Allows you to look up Cloudformation stack output, parameter and resource values. Updated to support Ansible v2 and boto profiles to allow it to work with MFA on the command line. Optional 'region' and 'profile' parameters will revert to defaults if not supplied.
The lookup should be structured like this:
{{ lookup('cloudformation', 'region=' + Region, 'stack=' + Stack, 'output=' + Output, 'profile=' + Profile) }}
and an actual example:
{{ lookup('cloudformation', 'region=eu-west-1', 'stack=core-shared-vpc-eu-west-1', 'output=DBSubnetGroupName', 'profile=home-mfa') }}
Allows you to look up the endpoint address and port of a given Elasticache Replica Groups
The key should be structured like this:
{{ lookup('elasticache_replica_group', 'region/repl_group_name/query_value') }}
and some actual examples:
{{ lookup('elasticache_replica_group', 'ap-southeast-1/locarch2-elastiredis/endpoint_address') }}
{{ lookup('elasticache_replica_group', 'ap-southeast-1/locarch2-elastiredis/endpoint_port') }}
Allows you to look up the ID (something like sg-62f43457) of a remote security group.
"{{ lookup('aws_sg_id', 'eu-west-1/my-stack-name') }}"
I wrote this to avoid adding lots of outputs to certain templates.
Allows you to look up the default VPC id for a given ec2 region.
- debug: msg="The default vpc is {{ lookup('default_vpc', 'ap-southeast-1') }}"
Currently doesn't handle ec2classics.