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GCP IaC to host a highly available infrastructure

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Terraform Google Cloud Infrastructure (tf-gcp-infra)

This repo contains terraform files to setup Infrastructure as Code on Google Cloud Platform.

Architecture diagram

GCP Architecture Diagram

Infrastructure as Code with Terraform and GCP


Please follow the installation instructions required for setting up the project here.

Enable gCloud services

This project relies on the following services to run for a project


These can be enabled from cli after setting up the default project using the following commands:

gcloud services enable {service-name}

For additional info regarding enabling cli via services, refer here.

What's in this repo

root: Contains files to deploy a VPC along with subnets and routes based on variables from a local tfvars file.

modules: Contains implementation code for multiple standalone submodules.


The following variables are required to create a VPC via terraform.

Note: README hasn't been updated yet to reflect all the variables and outputs.

Variable Type Required Description Default
project_id string yes The ID of the GCP project.
region string The default region in which to create the resources. us-east-1
vpc_name string yes Name of the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
vpc_description string Description of the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). {vpc_name} - Virtual Private Cloud
vpc_routing_mode string VPC routing mode. REGIONAL
vpc_auto_create_subnets bool Whether to create subnets in the VPC. false
vpc_delete_default_routes_on_create bool Whether to delete the default route created by the VPC. true
subnets list *conditionally A list of subnet configurations within the VPC.
subnets[name] string yes The name of the subnet.
subnets[ip_cidr_range] string yes The range of internal IP addresses for this subnet.
subnets[description] string The description of the subnet. Subnet {} under {var.vpc_name} VPC
subnets[region] string The region in which the subnet will be created. {var.region}
subnets[private_ip_google_access] bool Whether VMs can access Google services without external IP addresses. true
routes list A list of route configurations within the VPC.
routes[name] string yes The name of the route.
routes[dest_range] string yes The destination range of the route.
routes[description] string The description of the route. Route {name} under {var.vpc_name} VPC
routes[tags] list A list of instance tags to which this route applies. []
routes[next_hop_gateway] string <-| The next hop gateway of the route.
routes[next_hop_ip] string <-| The next hop IP of the route.
routes[next_hop_ilb] string <-| one of The next hop ILB of the route.
routes[next_hop_instance] string <-| The next hop instance of the route.
routes[next_hop_instance_zone] string <-| The zone of the next hop instance of the route.
firewall_rules list A list of firewall rule configurations within the VPC.
firewall_rules[name] string yes The name of the firewall rule.
firewall_rules[description] string The description of the firewall rule. Firewall rule {name} under {var.vpc_name} VPC
firewall_rules[direction] string yes The direction of traffic to which this firewall applies.
firewall_rules[priority] number The priority of firewall rule. 1000
firewall_rules[source_ranges] list A list of source IP ranges to which this firewall applies. null
firewall_rules[destination_ranges] list A list of destination IP ranges to which this firewall applies. null
firewall_rules[source_tags] list A list of source instance tags to which this firewall applies. null
firewall_rules[target_tags] list A list of target instance tags to which this firewall applies. null
firewall_rules[allowed] list A list of allowed protocols and ports. null
firewall_rules[allowed][protocol] string yes The protocol to allow.
firewall_rules[allowed][ports] list yes The ports to allow.
firewall_rules[denied] list A list of denied protocols and ports. null
firewall_rules[denied][protocol] string yes The protocol to deny.
firewall_rules[denied][ports] list yes The ports to deny.
webapp_compute_instance object Configuration for the web server compute instance.
webapp_compute_instance[name] string yes The name of the instance.
webapp_compute_instance[machine_type] string yes The machine type of the instance.
webapp_compute_instance[zone] string yes The zone in which the instance is created.
webapp_compute_instance[tags] list A list of instance tags. null
webapp_compute_instance[image] string yes The image of the instance.
webapp_compute_instance[disk_size] number yes The size of the boot disk.
webapp_compute_instance[disk_type] string yes The type of the boot disk.
webapp_compute_instance[subnet_name] string The name of the subnet to bind this instance to. Defaults to VPC network
database_instance object Configuration for the SQL Database instance.
database_instance[name] string yes The name of the instance.
database_instance[region] string yes The region in which the instance is created.
database_instance[tier] string yes The tier of the instance.
database_instance[database_name] string yes The name of the database.
database_instance[database_username] string yes The name of user in the database.
database_instance[database_version] string The database version of the instance. POSTGRES_15
database_instance[disk_size] number The size of the disk. 100
database_instance[disk_type] string The type of the disk. pd-ssd
database_instance[availability_type] string The availability type of the instance. REGIONAL
database_instance[delete_protection] bool Whether the instance has deletion protection enabled. true
database_instance[ip_configuration] object Configuration for the instance's IP address.
database_instance[ip_configuration][ipv4_enabled] bool Whether the instance's IP address is enabled. false
database_instance[ip_configuration][require_ssl] bool Whether SSL connections are enforced. true
database_instance[ip_configuration][ssl_mode] string The SSL mode of the instance.
database_instance[private_access_config] object Configuration for the instance's private access.
database_instance[private_access_config][name] string The name of the private access configuration. "vpc-${var.vpc_name}-database-private-access"
database_instance[private_access_config][purpose] string The purpose of the private access configuration. PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT
database_instance[private_access_config][address_type] string The address type of the private access configuration. INTERNAL
database_instance[private_access_config][address] string The address of the private access configuration.
database_instance[private_access_config][prefix_length] number The prefix length of the private access configuration. 24
service_account_id string yes The ID of the service account to attach to the instances.
service_account_vm_scopes list A list of scopes to attach to the service account. logging.write, monitoring.write
webapp_dns_record_set object yes Configuration for the DNS record set for the web server.
webapp_dns_record_set[name] string yes The name of the DNS record set.
webapp_dns_record_set[type] string yes The type of the DNS record.
webapp_dns_record_set[ttl] number yes The TTL of the DNS record.
webapp_dns_record_set[managed_zone] string yes The DNS zone in which the record set is created.

*conditionally => subnets (list(object{...})) are required if vpc_auto_create_subnets is set to false or else the subnets wouldn't be created for the VPC


After deploying the VPCs using Terraform, you can retrieve information about the created VPCs, including their names, self-links, subnets, and routes, using the following outputs:

Output Description
vpc The VPC created by this module.
subnets List of subnets created for the VPC.
routes List of routes created for the VPC.
firewall_rules List of firewall rules created for the VPC.
web_server The web server compute instance created by this module.
database_instance The SQL Database instance created by this module.



GCP IaC to host a highly available infrastructure



