Material design music and lyric player. Using Android's new series api to implement. (For Chinese 中文戳这里)
- Android SDK v14
- Local music browser and player.
- Music player widget, notification widget.
- Lyric directly refresh on notification, see it whenever you want.
- Powerful LyricView which supports scrolling up and down to change offset.
- Receive broadcast from popular music players and pop up lyric open notification.
- Upgrade LyricView to more powerful.
- Use Google Design Support UI (AppBar, CoordinatorLayout, etc.)
- Better implementation for Music player, show lyric directly.
- Download lyric from server and upload to server.
- Add support lyric file encoding auto-recognize.
- Nexus 6 (5.1.1)
- OnePlus (4.3)
- Android Support Library (cardview, appcompat, design, mediarouter)
- Butter Knife
- DBFlow
- Icepick
- mosby
- android-ColorPickerPreference
- LyricView