Kegberry turns your Raspberry Pi into a Kegbot Kegerator Server.
Using the Kegbot Server software, your RPi can manage your beer taps, record drinks, control access, and more. For more information about Kegbot, see the Kegbot home page.
Main Repository:
If you have a freshly installed Raspbian device, you're probably good to go.
- Kegbot Hardware: Kegberry only acts as a Kegbot Server right now; you'll still need the rest of the Kegbot system -- a flow meter, controller board, and Android tablet -- in order to collect and report data. See Get Kegbot for an overview.
- Dedicated Raspberry Pi: The installer script assumes you'll be dedicating the target RPi to Kegberry; for example, it replaces the default nginx configuration with Kegbot's.
- Raspbian: These instructions assume you've installed a fresh copy of Raspbian on your RPi. These instructions have been tested with version 2014-01-07 (installation instructions).
- pi user: Configuration files assume we'll be running Kegbot as
user. If you'd prefer to use a different account, you'll need to make these adjustments after installing Kegberry.
If your setup doesn't quite match these requirements, don't worry; at the moment, Kegberry is just a shortcut. Consult the full installation guide instead.
Connect to your pi and run the following script:
$ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Sit back and relax as kegbot-server, MySQL, and all related dependencies are installed and configured for you.
Once Kegberry has finished installing your system, you're ready to sign in and configure your shiny new Kegbot Server.
Navigate to your RPi's IP address in your browser and you should see the setup wizard.
To report a problem, please use the Kegberry issue tracker.
Upgrading kegbot-server
on a Kegberry device follows the same steps as on
any other Linux server. See the
official upgrade docs for more
Kegberry does not (yet) include a full-system updater. To upgrade a device, we advise you to backup all data, install a new system image, and re-run the kegberry installer from scratch.
The RPi is an amazing device, but Kegbot Server was written to target machines with much greater computing resources. You may find the server to be substantially slower than on a "real" machine.
Kegberry currently does not provide any extra tools for backing up or restoring
your server data. You should make regular backups of your MySQL database and
uploaded media (~pi/kegbot-data/media
Since Kegbot runs as the pi
user, and since the pi
user has sudo
in Raspbian, a vulnerability in the Kegbot server could lead to a compromise
of the entire device. You should run Kegbot as another user or remove
access if this is a concern for you.
All code is offered under the GPLv2 license, unless otherwise noted. Please see LICENSE.txt for the full license.
All code and documentation are Copyright 2014 Bevbot LLC, unless otherwise noted.
"Kegberry", "Kegbot", and the Kegbot logo are trademarks of Bevbot LLC; please don't reuse them without our permission.