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Feng Chaoyi edited this page Mar 6, 2016 · 2 revisions


It's a self-built Angular framework, following Tero Parviainen's book Build Your Own AngularJS.

My related notes will be updated here, in the "note" folder. You can read the "pdf" files directly. If you have any advice, please tell me by issues or email. Thanks :D

Some summary (written by hand)

###Production bundles

"markangular.js" built by Browserify, "markangular.min.js" minified by UglifyJS.

###Sample application

In "sample application" folder, run the html page in browser directly.

###Note Contents

Part 1: Scopes

  1. Scopes And Digest
  2. Scope Inheritance
  3. Watching Collections
  4. Scope Events

Part 2: Expressions And Filters

Note 2.1

  1. Literal Expressions
  2. Lookup And Function Call Expressions

Note 2.2

  1. Operator Expressions
  2. Filters

Note 2.3

  1. Expressions And Watches

Part 3: Modules And Dependency Injection

  1. Modules And The Injector
  2. Providers
  3. High-Level DI Features

Part 4: Utilities

  1. Promises
  2. $http

Part 5: Directives

Note 5.1

  1. DOM Compilation and Basic Directives
  2. Directive Attributes
  3. Directive Linking and Scopes

Note 5.2

  1. Controllers
  2. Directive Templates
  3. Directive Transclusion

Note 5.3

  1. Interpolation
  2. Bootstrapping Angular
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