This project connects to open source REST IP API, saves IP that is searched for in local database and shows saved data with HTTP GET request.
- Add IP and country name to local database from REST IP API
- Read from local database
- Delete saved data from local database
- Error response from external API handled
- Invalid IP requests handled
- Caching of data handled
- Working endpoint which return the number of requests received(successful and unsuccessful)
Load project in your favourite IDE (made using Eclipse), hit "Run java application" on "biss.Main" class. App should be up and running on localhost:8080 using H2 in memory database. App was written using Hibernate and all Hibernate supported databases can be used.
Example of using MSSQL:
Create local MSSQL database called "ip_api". Change "" file content to(example):
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = create
Change your custom username and password, give your username admin rights and you are good to go.
In {IP} put desired IP.
Add IP to database/read IP from database: GET "localhost:8080/country?ip={IP}"
Remove IP from database: DELETE "localhost:8080/ip/{IP}"
Get number of successful requests: GET "localhost:8080/requests/successful"
Get number of unsuccessful requests: GET "localhost:8080/requests/unsuccessful"
While app is running you can easily connect to H2 database. On you favourite browser that supports JavaScript go to: H2Console
Connect using:
JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:ip_api
User Name : sa
No license - Created by © Marko Orlović