If you get the source from github, you need to setup the build environment:
$ ./unix_env_setup.sh
This will install all of the tools and sources required to build the project.
"./unix_env_setup.sh" will require superuser privileges, as it calls apt-get install.
To build the servers, execute the following:
$ make
To install the servers to the system (not recommended), execute the following commands:
$ make install
"make install" may require superuser privileges.
If you installed the servers, to run the servers execute the following:
$ LoginServer&
$ CharServer&
$ MapServer&
If you opted to keep them in place, the server binaries are located in the bin folder inside the build directory. So from where you ran the command make, you will want to run the following:
$ ./bin/LoginServer&
$ ./bin/CharServer&
$ ./bin/MapServer&
After running for the first time, the servers will create a config file in the current directory.
After downloading and installing the above applications, to compile the servers run the following commands:
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd build
cmake --build . --config Release
This will setup the build directories and compile. The compiled server will be in the bin folder created in the directory you ran cmake in (which should be the build folder).
After running for the first time, the servers will create a config file in the current directory that can be modified.