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GitHub Action




The stackql/stackql-assert action is an composite action that runs stackql query and check if result matches expected result



Note stackql-assert action uses same auth setup as stackql-exec. Learn more about authentication setup when running stackql

Example auth string

{   "google": { "type": "service_account",  "credentialsfilepath": "sa-key.json" },
    "github": { "type": "basic", "credentialsenvvar": "STACKQL_GITHUB_CREDS" }}

It can be passed with auth_str as a string, or stored in a file and pass filename to auth-obj-path

  • For "basic" auth, you need to set a environment variable with same name as the value of credentialsenvvar in the auth string for the Github Action step. You can use Github Secrets to store the value of the environment variable, and use env to pass it to the action. For example:
  • For "service_account" auth, you need to store the credentials into a file; You can follow the example of Prep Google Creds (bash) step in the example workflow

Test Query

  • Use test_query or test_query_path to pass the test query to the action. The test query should be a valid StackQL query. The action will run the query and check if the result is empty or not. If the result is empty, the action will fail the step.
  • Either test_query or test_query_path is required. If both are provided, test_query will be used.
  • query example can be found in example workflow and example .iql file

Expected Result

  • Use expected_results_str or expected_results_file_path to pass the expected result to the action. The expected result should be a valid JSON object. The action will compare the result with the expected result. If the result is not the same as the expected result, the action will fail the step.
  • Either expected_results_str or expected_results_file_path is required. If both are provided, expected_results_str will be used.
  • Expected result example can be found in example workflow and example .json file


  • auth_obj_path - Path to the auth object file.
  • auth_str - Auth string.
  • test_query - Test query to run (overrides test_query_path).
  • test_query_path - Path to the test query file.
  • expected_rows - Expected number of rows in the result.
  • expected_results_str - expected result from executing test query, support object string (overrides expected_results_file_path)
  • expected_results_file_path - file that stores expected result, json is support