GitHub Action
This Github action sets up PNPM and makes use of the "pnpm --filter" command to determine if the source code of an app/service has changed, compared to a pull request (PR) being made. This includes detection of changes to the monorepo packages, which are defined as dependencies of the app/service in package.json.
Use the github action by calling the external repo github action: "mkoreo/pnpm-filter@v1" Define input parameters:
- appName: The app or service name (foldername) to be checked for changes to its source code.
- PAT: The PAT for your github repository, to checkout the source code and pull request.
Use output parameter:
- changed: "True" if source has changed.
Example usage in workflow:
- id: pnpm-filter
uses: mkoreo/pnpm-filter@v1
appName: auth-service
PAT: ${{secrets.PAT}}
- name: Build
if: ${{steps.pnpm-filter.outputs.changed}} == 'True'
uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
file: ./projects/backend/auth-service/Dockerfile
target: test-target
cache-from: type=gha
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
context: .