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GitHub Action

Keybase Build Notifications


Keybase Build Notifications


Keybase Build Notifications

Send GitHub build notifications to your Keybase team or channel


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Keybase Build Notifications

uses: marvinpinto/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in marvinpinto/action-keybase-notifications

Choose a version

Keybase Build Notifications

This action allows you to post GitHub build notifications to Keybase Chat channels, teams, and DMs. It sends messages via the opensentinel API, using your token value.

Keybase default GitHub notification


  1. Using the Action
  2. Parameters
  3. What about other GitHub events?
  4. Filtering Notifications
  5. Versioning
  6. How to get help
  7. License

NOTE: The marvinpinto/action-keybase-notifications repository is an automatically generated mirror of the marvinpinto/actions monorepo containing this and other actions. Please file issues and pull requests over there.

Using the Action

You will need an opensentinel automation API token in order to use this action. Create an account and go through the Keybase setup information. This action utilizes a Generic Webhook token.

For reference, opensentinel automation wbhook URLs for Keybase look something like:<OSL_TOKEN>

Build notifications for CI Tests

name: "CI Tests"


    runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
      # ...
      - name: "Build & test"
        run: |
          echo "done!"

      # Add the notification step as the last one
      - uses: "marvinpinto/action-keybase-notifications@latest"
        if: always()
          job_status: ${{ job.status }}
          opensentinel_token: ${{ secrets.OSL_TOKEN }}
          on_success: "never"
          on_failure: "always"

This will send you a Keybase chat notification whenever a CI build fails but not when it passes (if you wanted to reduce channel noise). The if: always() stanza above ensures that the notification step runs no matter what.

Build notifications for releases

      - "v*"

    runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"
      # ...
      - name: "Build & test"
        run: |
          echo "done!"

      - name: "Deploy to production"
        run: |
          echo "+1"

      - uses: "marvinpinto/action-keybase-notifications@latest"
        if: always()
          job_status: ${{ job.status }}
          job_name: "Production Release"
          opensentinel_token: ${{ secrets.OSL_TOKEN }}

This will send you a notification message to let you know if the production release was successful or not.


Parameter Description Default
opensentinel_token** URL querystring value for token null
job_status** GitHub Actions job status - use ${{ job.status }} null
job_name Display name to use in the chat message Workflow name
on_success When a build passes, notify you "always" or "never"? always
on_failure When a build fails, notify you "always" or "never"? always


  • Parameters denoted with ** are required.

What about other GitHub events?

The opensentinel system itself handles other GitHub events directly. This action is primarily geared toward sending build + other ad-hoc messages.

This action will do its hardest to NOT fail the build as a result of a processing error (network/permissions/etc).

If you're still interested in receiving Keybase notifications for other GitHub events (push, pull_request, etc), set up a GitHub Notification webhook with opensentinel and add that to your repository.

Filtering Notifications

You can cut down on chat noise by applying filters to events that trigger this action. For example, you can send a Keybase build notification only when someone pushes to the master branch.

      - master

Read through the GitHub documentation for advanced examples.


Every commit that lands on master for this project triggers an automatic build as well as a tagged release called latest. If you don't wish to live on the bleeding edge you may use a stable release instead. See releases for the available versions.

- uses: "marvinpinto/action-keybase-notifications@<VERSION>"

How to get help

The main README for this project has a bunch of information related to debugging & submitting issues. opensentinel help is available through a few support channels and if you're still stuck, try and get a hold of me on keybase and I will do my best to help you out.


The source code for this project is released under the MIT License. This project is not associated with Keybase or GitHub.