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GitHub Action






Build a status board of your GitHub repositories in your Notion workspace


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: github-action-notion-statusboard

uses: Eomm/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in Eomm/notion-board

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Monitor your Node.js modules and repositories from a Notion page!

status board on notion

How it works

This project is a GitHub Action that exports a set of data gathered from GitHub and NPM to publish it your Notion.

The collected data are:

  • GitHub repository name
  • NPM downloads per month
  • GitHub stars
  • Number of open issues, optionally filtered by labels
  • Number of open pull requests
  • Latesr version published on NPM
  • Checkbox to mark archived repositories
  • Direct link to the repository
  • Direct link to the NPM page
  • NPM package size in bytes
  • Last commit date
  • Last edited date

The project is still in early development and the data exported are not yet customizable nor configurable.
I aim to make this application available from the Notion Connections marketplace.

How it works in details

This GitHub Action will:

  • Fetch the list of repositories from GitHub using the provided github-repository-query input. You can test the query on GitHub Search
  • For each repository will check if it's a Node.js module and if it's published on NPM collecting additional data
  • Read the Notion database and update the existing rows or create new ones. Unrecognized rows will be deleted.

If the row's data is not changed, the row will not be updated.


To install this GitHub Action, you need to create a new GitHub repository and add a .github/workflows/notion-board.yml file with the following content:

name: Notion Board

  workflow_dispatch: # Allow manual trigger
    - cron: "0 12 * * *" # "Everyday at 12:00 UTC (5:00 PT)"*_*_*

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Update Notion
        uses: Eomm/notion-board@v0
          github-repository-query: user:Eomm is:public
          notion-token: ${{ secrets.NOTION_TOKEN }}
          notion-database-id: ${{ secrets.NOTION_DATABASE_ID }}

How to configure Notion

In order to use this GitHub Action, you need to create:

  1. A notion integration token to allow the GitHub Action to update the database
  2. A notion database to store the data

To get the token, you must follow the official Notion documentation to create the required resources.
Note that you must add the following Capabilities to the integration:

  • Read content
  • Update content
  • Insert content

You can stop at the "Step 4: Add an item to the database" section.

Finally, when you are about to create the new database, you need to use the following database template.

The database template can't be modified otherwise the GitHub Action will not work. The columns' name and type are important.


Input Description Required Default
github-repository-query The GitHub repository query to fetch the repositories to monitor. You can test the query on GitHub Search Yes
github-issue-labels Filter the issues counter by labels. Example: good first issue No
notion-token The Notion API key to use to update the database Yes
notion-database-id The Notion database ID to update Yes
github-token The GitHub token to use to fetch the repositories No ${{github.token}}
log-level The log level to use No info


Copyright Manuel Spigolon, Licensed under MIT.