Your bitcoind daemon must be running (running just the Bitcoin Core gui is not enough).
The script will ban all fake SegShit8x nodes. The list of nodes is obtained from
Command-line JSON processor jq
sudo apt-get install jq
brew install jq
Perl & Perl packages JSON::XS
and LWP::UserAgent
sudo apt-get install libjson-xs-perl
sudo cpan -i JSON::XS
git clone
cd ban-segshit8x-nodes
perl ./
The ban.ps1 powershell script is a port of the script. Accomplishes the same thing on Windows.
It might work in Powershell 2.0, but you should really have PS 3.0 or greater.
If you've never used Powershell before, you might need to enable script execution. See the instructions here:
Open a Powershell prompt in the script directory and simply type "./ban".