The anypoint maven plugin allows to configure the anypoint platform components using a yaml configuration file.
The plugin define a single goal apply
When the apply
goal run the configuration defined in the yaml file will be applied to the API Manager.
The main advantage of using the plugin is that we can store the configuration file in our version control system. Doing that we can apply a version control on the API Manager configuration.
The only supported components right now is the API Manager.
The plugin support the configuration of the following API elements:
- Properties
- Alerts
- Tiers
- Policies
- Contracts
Add the plugin to the pom.xml
To enable request/response logging for for all the API calls to the Anypoint Platform API please configure the following system property:
Name | Value |
anypoint.client.debug | true |
Name | Description |
apply | Apply the configuration defined in the YAML configuration file to the Anypoint Platform. |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
server | string | The anypoint credentials defined in the maven settings.xml |
*false |
username | string | The anypoint username | *false |
password | string | The anypoint password | *false |
environment | string | The anypoint environment | true |
organization | string | The anypoint business group | true |
configuration | string | The configuration file | true |
skip | boolean | When true skip the plugin execution, default to false | false |
π * one of server or username and password must be configured
The configuration file is written in YAML
Using YAML you may represent objects of arbitrary graph-like structures.
To keep the configuration file clean and readable and improve the reusability the usage of anchors and aliases is encuraged.
This will allow you to define an object on the top of the documents and then refer to the same object from different parts of a document.
The apimanager
object is the root of the document and must be defined.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
apimanager | object | This is the configuration to apply to the API Manager | true |
The environment
arrays contains a collection of objects, each representing the configuration for a specific environment.
For each environment the name
is used to determine the correct environment to process matching the environment name with the environment parameter defined in the plugin configuration
Name | Type | Description | Required |
apimanager. environment | array | A collection of environment configurations | true |
apimanager. environment[] | object | A single environment configuration | true |
apimanager.environment[]. name | string | The environment name as defined in the Anypoint Platform | true |
apimanager.environment[]. api | object | The API configuration | true |
The api instance id uset to match the api in the environment.
All the other collection elements are optional and, if omitted, will be skipped from the processing by the plugin.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
apimanager.environment[]. api | object | The API configuration | true |
apimanager.environment[].api. id | integer | The API instance id | true |
apimanager.environment[].api. properties | object | The API properties | false |
apimanager.environment[].api. alerts | array | A collection of Alerts | false |
apimanager.environment[].api. policies | array | A collection of API policies. | false |
apimanager.environment[].api. tiers | array | A collection of API tiers | false |
apimanager.environment[].api. contracts | array | A collection of API contracts | false |
β οΈ If you define an empty collection all the existing resources will be deleted: Be very careful here!
The properties
is an object that contains the api configuration.
Any instance of data is allowed.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
apimanager.environment[].api. properties | object | The API properties | false |
The plugin will convert the properties
yaml object into JSON and use it as body to :
Method | Resource |
/apimanager/api/v1/organizations/{organizationId}/environments/{environmentId}/apis/{environmentApiId} |
for more details please refer to the Anypoint Manager API - Documentation
The alerts
is a collection of alert objects.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
apimanager.environment[].api. alerts | array | A collection of Alerts | false |
apimanager.environment[].api. alerts[] | object | A single Alert configuration. | true |
apimanager.environment[].api.alerts[]. name | string | The name of the Alert | true |
π If you dont't want the plugin to manage the alerts you have to omit the
β οΈ If you define an empty collection all the existing alerts will be deleted: Be very careful here!
When the plugin process the alerts it will:
- created the alerts configured if they do not exist in the API MAnager
- updated the alerts configured if they exist in the API Manager and changes are detected
- removed the alerts if they exist in the API Manager but are not configured
The name
of the alert is used as key to determine if it already exists and must be specified.
For the abject in the collection any instance of data is allowed. Each object is converted to JSON and used in the following calls:
Method | Resource |
/apimanager/api/v1/organizations/:organizationId/environments/:environmentId/apis/:apiId/alerts |
/apimanager/api/v1/organizations/:organizationId/environments/:environmentId/apis/:apiId/alerts/:alertId |
for more details please refer to the Anypoint Manager API - Documentation
The tiers
is a collection of alert objects.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
apimanager.environment[].api. tiers | array | A collection of Tiers | false |
apimanager.environment[].api. tiers[] | object | A single Tier configuration. | true |
apimanager.environment[].api.tiers[]. name | string | The name of the Tier | true |
π If you dont't want the plugin to manage the alerts you have to omit the
β οΈ If you define an empty collection all the existing tiers will be deleted: Be very careful here!
When the plugin process the tiers it will:
- created the tiers configured if they do not exist in the API MAnager
- updated the tiers configured if they exist in the API Manager and changes are detected
- removed the tiers if they exist in the API Manager but are not configured
The name
of the tier is used as key to determine if it already exists and must be specified.
For the abject in the collection any instance of data is allowed. Each object is converted to JSON and used in the following calls:
Method | Resource |
/apimanager/api/v1/organizations/:organizationId/environments/:environmentId/apis/:apiId/tiers |
/apimanager/api/v1/organizations/:organizationId/environments/:environmentId/apis/:apiId/alerts/:tierId |
for more details please refer to the Anypoint Manager API - Documentation
The policies
is a collection of policy object.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
apimanager.environment[].api. policies | array | A collection of API policies. | false |
apimanager.environment[].api. policies[] | object | A single policy configuration | true |
apimanager.environment[].api.policies[]. configurationData | object | The policy configuration data | true |
π If you dont't want the plugin to manage the policies you have to omit the
β οΈ If you define an empty collection all the existing policies will be deleted: Be very careful here!
When the plugin process the policies it will:
- created the policies configured if they do not exist in the API MAnager
- updated the policies configured if they exist in the API Manager and changes are detected
- removed the policies if they exist in the API Manager but are not configured
For Mule 4 APIs the assetId
of the policy is used as key to determine if it already exists and must be specified, for Mule 3 APIs the policiTemplateId
is used instead.
For the abject in the collection any instance of data is allowed. Each object is converted to JSON and used in the following calls:
Method | Resource |
/apimanager/api/v1/organizations/:organizationId/environments/:environmentId/apis/:apiId/policies |
/apimanager/api/v1/organizations/:organizationId/environments/:environmentId/apis/:apiId/policies/:policyId |
for more details please refer to the Anypoint Manager API - Documentation
The contracts
is a collection of contract object.
The name
of the application
is used as key to determine if it already exists and must be specified.
before configuring a contract please make sure:
- The client application alreaddy exists, the plugin will not create the client application.
- The SLA tier, if configured, exists or is defined in the
Name | Type | Description | Required |
apimanager.environment[].api. contracts | array | A collection of API contracts | false |
apimanager.environment[].api. contracts[] | object | A single API contract configuration. | true |
apimanager.environment[].api.contracts[]. application | object | The client application associated with the contract | true |
apimanager.environment[].api.contracts[].application. name | string | The client application name | true |
apimanager.environment[].api.contracts[]. status | string | The contract status APPROVED/REVOKED | true |
apimanager.environment[].api.contracts[]. tier | object | The tier to associate to the Contract | false |
apimanager.environment[].api.contracts[].tier. name | string | The name of the tier for the contract | true |
π If you dont't want the plugin to manage the contracts you have to omit the
β οΈ If you define an empty collection all the existing contracts will be deleted: Be very careful here!
When the plugin process the contracts it will:
- created the contracts configured if they do not exist in the API MAnager
- updated the contracts configured if they exist in the API Manager and changes are detected
- removed the contracts if they exist in the API Manager but are not configured
- &StandardTier
name: Standard
description: Standard
- visible: true
maximumRequests: 20
timePeriodInMilliseconds: 60000
- visible: true
maximumRequests: 5
timePeriodInMilliseconds: 1000
status: ACTIVE
autoApprove: true
- &InternalTier
name: Internal Use Only
description: Internal Use Only
- visible: true
maximumRequests: 10000
timePeriodInMilliseconds: 1000
status: ACTIVE
autoApprove: false
- &LimitedTier
name: Limited
description: Limited
- visible: true
maximumRequests: 3
timePeriodInMilliseconds: 60000
- visible: true
maximumRequests: 20
timePeriodInMilliseconds: 3600000
status: ACTIVE
autoApprove: false
- &ClientIdEnforcementPolicy
groupId: 68ef9520-24e9-4cf2-b2f5-620025690913
assetId: client-id-enforcement
assetVersion: 1.2.1
credentialsOriginHasHttpBasicAuthenticationHeader: customExpression
clientIdExpression: "#[attributes.headers['client_id']]"
clientSecretExpression: "#[attributes.headers['client_secret']]"
- &JsonThreadProtectionPolicy
groupId: 68ef9520-24e9-4cf2-b2f5-620025690913
assetId: json-threat-protection
assetVersion: 1.1.3
maxContainerDepth: 10
maxStringValueLength: 1000
maxObjectEntryNameLength: 255
maxObjectEntryCount: 1000
maxArrayElementCount: 1000
- &IpWhitelistPolicy
groupId: 68ef9520-24e9-4cf2-b2f5-620025690913
assetId: ip-whitelist
assetVersion: 1.2.1
ipExpression: "#[attributes.remoteAddress]"
- &PolicyViolationAlert
name: API HELLO WORLD Policy Violation Alert
type: api-policy-violation
enabled: true
severity: Critical
- type: email
value: [email protected]
resourceType: api
aggregate: COUNT
operator: GREATER_THAN
value: 2
count: 1
weight: MINUTES
repeat: 3
policyId: 437790
id: client-id-enforcement
name: Client ID enforcement
- &ResponseTimeAlert
name: API HELLO WORLD Response Time Alert
type: api-response-time
enabled: true
severity: Warning
- type: email
value: [email protected]
resourceType: api
aggregate: COUNT
operator: GREATER_THAN
value: 1
- property: responseTime
operator: GREATER_THAN
- 10000
count: 1
weight: MINUTES
repeat: 3
- name: "Development"
id: 15601078
assetVersion: 1.0.4
productVersion: v1
muleVersion4OrAbove: true
instanceLabel: "Dev1"
- *ResponseTimeAlert
- *PolicyViolationAlert
- *StandardTier
- *LimitedTier
- *InternalTier
- *IpWhitelistPolicy
- *ClientIdEnforcementPolicy
- *JsonThreadProtectionPolicy
- application:
name: Hello World Client
name: Standard
status: APPROVED