Managing digital platforms is still a complex process for churches and religious organizations. I realize this in my volunteer work as a catechist in The São José Church in Messejana. Most pastoral coordinators are older people who are not comfortable with digital media. Therefore, information about events and groups is only communicated person-to-person or with direct communication with the coordinators. This project desires to start the online church presence, to make information about activities most available to the faithful who attend it.
- Programming languages syntax in HTML, CSS, JavaScript;
- Develop a responsive design app;
- Work with Framework Vue.js, from CDN and CLI;
- Host app in Vercel;
- Connect to public API The Movie Data Base (TMDB);
- Add pagination from API data;
- Visual Studio Code commands and useful extensions;
- Git and Github commands.
- HTML5 tags;
- CSS;
- JavaScript (some features of ES6+);
- Vue.js (3.x,Babel,Router);
- JSON server.
git clone <paste link>
npm install
npm run backend
npm run serve
npm run build