/****** APIs *******/
Used Google Maps API and goole-maps-react to render the Maps component.
- More info: https://www.npmjs.com/package/google-maps-react
- You will have to get a personal Google API for this app. Read about how to get it here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
Used NPS.gov API to get Nationl Parks info from NPS.
- You'll have to get a personal NPS API here: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/developer/get-started.htm
/****** Google Maps component *******/
- Rendered within .
- Note that has a default prop "google".
- Exported the component within GoogleApiWrapper.
/****** Get All the Park Info *******/
- [ Base URL: developer.nps.gov/api/v1 ]
- Send GET request to /parks
- Be careful, if you don't limit the number of results, NPS.gov's response can be very slow.
- Save parks info in PostgreSQL.
- Upon page load, retrieve the parks info from database and save to Redux store.
/****** Generate Markers on the Map *******/
- Each marker is generated from a "park" in parksList array (stored in state (Redux store)).
- Each marker has an onClick listener that triggers a GET request to server with the (single) park code in request query.
- Upon getting the response from NPS.gov, a component is rendered by .