Clone and edit the NodeMCU firmware locally on your platform. This image will take it from there and turn your code into a binary which you then can flash to the ESP8266 or the ESP32. It can also create LFS images from your Lua sources.
There seem to be three types of NodeMCU developers:
NodeMCU "application developers"
They just need a ready-made firmware. I created a cloud build service with a nice UI and configuration options for them. However, if they use LFS they might want to build their LFS images as an alternative to Terry Ellison's online service. Then this image is right for them!
Occasional NodeMCU firmware hackers
They don't need full control over the complete tool chain and don't want to setup a Linux VM with the build environment. This image is exactly for them!
NodeMCU firmware developers
They commit or contribute to the project on GitHub and need their own full fledged build environment with the complete tool chain. They still might find this Docker image useful.
If you have previously pulled this Docker image then you should update the image from time to time to pull in the latest bug fixes:
docker pull marcelstoer/nodemcu-build
Follow the instructions at
Docker runs on a VirtualBox VM which by default only shares the user directory from the underlying guest OS. On Windows that is c:/Users/<user>
and on Mac it's /Users/<user>
. Hence, you need to clone the NodeMCU firmware repository to your user directory. If you want to place it outside the user directory you need to adjust the VirtualBox VM sharing settings accordingly.
git clone --recurse-submodules
For ESP32 you would then switch to the dev-esp32
branch and update the submodules:
git checkout dev-esp32
git submodule update --recursive
Note The build script adds information about the options you set below to the NodeMCU boot message (dumped to console on application start).
To configure the modules to be built into the firmware edit app/include/user_modules.h
Also consider turning on SSL or LFS in app/include/user_config.h
in the same file gives you control over whether to build a firmware with floating point support or without. See the NodeMCU documentation on build options for other options and details.
The version information and build date are correctly set automatically unless you modify the parameters in app/include/user_version.h
Start Docker and change to the NodeMCU firmware directory (in the Docker console). To build the firmware run:
docker run --rm -ti -v `pwd`:/opt/nodemcu-firmware marcelstoer/nodemcu-build build
Depending on the performance of your system it takes 1-3min until the compilation finishes. The first time you run this it takes longer because Docker needs to download the image and create a container.
All outputs will be created in the bin
subfolder of your NodeMCU repository's root directory. They will be:
is the combined firmware image you can flash.BUILD_TYPE
, see the Options chapter below.- Almost same but with
ending, a mapfile will be saved that contains the relative offsets of functions.
- Almost same but with
will contain just the firmware.0x10000.bin
will contain the SPIFFS.
There are several tools to flash the firmware to the ESP8266.
Start Docker and change to the NodeMCU firmware directory (in the Docker console). To create the LFS image run:
docker run --rm -ti -v `pwd`:/opt/nodemcu-firmware -v {PathToLuaSourceFolder}:/opt/lua marcelstoer/nodemcu-build lfs-image
This will compile and store all Lua files in the given folder including subfolders.
To only add specific files you can prepare a file containing the files to add and give them as paramater.
docker run --rm -ti -v `pwd`:/opt/nodemcu-firmware -v {PathToLuaSourceFolder}:/opt/lua marcelstoer/nodemcu-build lfs-image final/files.lst
Assume the following content of files.lst:
lib/*.lua main.lua
NOTE: use linux path separator '/' instead of Windows type ''.
Basically this is just an ls
expression as long as it contains no spaces and other shell escapable characters.
Assume the following files inside {PathToLuaSourceFolder}
which is mounted as /opt/lua
this would add the following files
Depending on what type(s) of firmware you built this will create one or two LFS images in the root of your Lua folder.
NodeMCU for ESP32 is built on the ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework). It uses a menu-driven user interface Kconfig to configure all firmware features and options. Hence, building NodeMCU for ESP32 is a two step process and you will launch the Docker container twice. First to start Kconfig, select all options and write the configuration file. Then to actually build the firmware.
Note make sure you have got the Git submodules loaded as described above.
docker run --rm -ti -v `pwd`:/opt/nodemcu-firmware marcelstoer/nodemcu-build configure-esp32
This internally will run make menuconfig
in the firmware directory. It will generate a sdkconfig
file in the same.
docker run --rm -ti -v `pwd`:/opt/nodemcu-firmware marcelstoer/nodemcu-build build
That is the exact same command as for building for the ESP8266. It analyses the available files to figure out whether you checked out NodeMCU for ESP32 or ESP8266. The build
command is thus a shortcut to using build-esp32
The process will fail early with a meaningful error message if it does not find a sdkconfig
file in the firmware directory.
All outputs will be created in the bin
subfolder of your NodeMCU repository's root directory. They will be:
will be the firmware image. ForIMAGE_NAME
, see the Options chapter below.
You can pass the following optional parameters to the Docker build like so docker run -e "<parameter>=value" -e ...
A space-separated list of custom make targets to build, instead of the default ones.IMAGE_NAME
can be set to save the output files (see your platform's "Output" section for above) with fixed names. If it is not set or empty, the branch name and a timestamp will be used.TZ
By default the Docker container will run in UTC timezone. Hence, the time in the timestamp of the default image name (seeIMAGE_NAME
option above) will not be same as your host system time - unless that is UTC as well of course. To fix this you can set theTZ
parameter to any valid timezone name e.g.-e TZ=Asia/Kolkata
are not supported anymore. Please configure LUA_NUMBER_INTEGRAL
in app/include/user_config.h
as described above.
(Docker on) Windows handles paths slightly differently. You need to specify the full path to the NodeMCU firmware directory in the command:
docker run --rm -it -v c:/Users/<user>/<nodemcu-firmware>:/opt/nodemcu-firmware marcelstoer/nodemcu-build build
If the Windows path contains spaces it would have to be wrapped in quotes as usual on Windows.
docker run --rm -it -v "c:/Users/monster tune/<nodemcu-firmware>":/opt/nodemcu-firmware marcelstoer/nodemcu-build build
If this Docker container hangs on sharing the drive (or starting) check whether the Windows service 'LanmanServer' is running. See DockerBug #2196 for details.
Docker for Mac is slow. Period. However, much of the I/O-related latency can be significantly reduced with tuned volume mounts. Docker for Mac 17.04 introduced a "delegated" flag to avoid keeping host file system and container file system in perfect sync all the time. "delegated" postpones writing back changes in the container to the host in order to achieve higher filesystem throughput.
So, instead of -v `pwd`:/opt/nodemcu-firmware
you would say -v `pwd`:/opt/nodemcu-firmware:delegated
(note the flag at the end).
The NodeMCU team hopes that you will want to regularly pull their latest updates into your cloned repository and build a new firmware. There is more than one way to skin a cat and thus this chapter has unfortunately-but-intentionally to be brief.
The simplest process is to discard your local changes, update the firmware, and then manually reapply them. That may
be appropriate if all you changed are a handful of settings in the .h
git reset --hard origin/<name-of-the-branch-you-work-with>
git submodule update --recursive
Afterwards you would manually re-edit the files and run Docker again.
Git is extremely flexible and powerful. What process you follow is very often just a matter of taste. In any case, unless you are familiar with Git-fu the least you want to be dealing with is conflict resolution on the command line ( both you and NodeMCU updated the same file => potential conflict).
One way to attempt to preserve your changes is using git stash
I say "attempt" because you still might end up with conflicts.
git stash
git pull
git submodule update --recursive
git stash pop
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and docker
For bugs and improvement suggestions create an issue at
Thanks to Paul Sokolovsky who created and maintains esp-open-sdk.
A big "Thank You!" goes to Gregor Hartmann who implemented LFS-support and removed the ill-designed INTEGER_ONLY
parameters for this image.