ScopifyPhoto is an experimental tool that helps with color analysis by providing real-time HSV conversion and vectorscope visualizations. This application captures your screen or a selected application, processes the color data in real-time, and displays it as a vectorscope to assist with color grading. It’s designed to be a useful addition to your editing workflow, whether your are editing in Lightroom or Photoshop, providing a live view of your colors for more accurate adjustments.
- Live Screen/App Capture: Capture any part of your screen or specific application window for real-time processing.
- HSV Conversion: Convert captured colors into HSV for better color accuracy and visual feedback.
- Vectorscope Display: Visualize the color data through a vectorscope, which can assist with tasks like skin tone adjustments.
- Always on Top: Keep the vectorscope window always visible, so you can monitor your color work while editing.
- Live Updates: The vectorscope updates in real time, reflecting changes as you adjust your colors.
- Open to Collaboration: This is a work in progress, and contributions from the open-source community are welcomed.
Contributions are highly welcomed. Follow the next steps to setup your environment:
For performance reasons we will use OpenCV C++. and node-gyp
to compile node addons. Therefore we will need:
- Python >= 3.12
- C++ Compiler
- OpenCV pre compiled
You can follow the instructions for node-gyp and opencv.
If you are on Windows you could use chocolately to get all required dependencies:
choco install python visualstudio2022-workload-vctools opencv -y
Once you have installed OpenCV, you need to update the paths in binding.gyp
Install all npm packages:
npm install
Rebuild node addon for correct electron version:
npm run build:nodeaddon