Display the contents of the topic exchange 'input' in RabbitMQ with a ticker dispaying the number of messages received.
OS | Filename |
Windows | rabbitmq-ticker-1.0.2.exe |
MacOSX | Electron-RabbitMQ-Ticker-1.0.0.dmg |
Linux |
If you want to make your own version these are the instructions to roll out your own binaries. These instructions are both the same for Windows, MacOSX and Linux.
To start the application simply type:
$ npm install && npm start
Or you like to use yarn:
$ yarn add electron-builder --dev && yarn start
This will compile and link the final executable Electron-RabbitMQ-1.0.0.dmg:
$ yarn dist
To test send the message 'boe' to the topic 'input':
$ echo boe | amqp-publish -u amqp://rabbitmq -e input -r "some_sort_of_routing_key";