🔭 Qualified nerd currently working as an Software Automation Engineer and having fun in Paris 🇫🇷🗼🍔🍽️🥖🥐
💬 Ask me about:
- Shift Left/ Right Testing & Automation
- Test design & test procedure development
- Tools: Playwright, Selenium, Appium, Postman, Jenkins/CircleCI, AWS, Docker, ELK Stack/Datadog, HP QTP & UFT, SoapUI, Ranorex
- Python, Typescript, PHP, Java & C#
🌱 I’m playing with Container Orchestration and in my spare time trying to figure out how to 🧵 3D print stuff
📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn or Twitter
🟪 Take a look at my ugly personal website that I built in 2016 and haven't updated since I've updated my site
⚡ Fun fact: