Service Catalog Installer is a CLI tool to manage Service Catalog and GCP Service Broker atop Kubernetes Cluster.
Service Catalog Installer sc
lets you do the following:
- Install Service Catalog
- Uninstall Service Catalog
- Install GCP Service Broker
- Uninstall GCP Service Broker
Before installing Service Catalog atop Kubernetes cluster, you need to ensure following requirements are met.
- cfssl tools are needed for generating SSL artifacts. Install
using following commandgo get -u which cfssl /home/sunil/go/bin/cfssl which cfssljson /home/sunil/go/bin/cfssljson
- Service Catalog requires Kubernetes version 1.7 onwards.
- Kubectl installed and configured to connect to a Kubernetes v1.7+ cluster.
- Kubectl user should have cluster-admin role to be able to install Service Catalog. Run following command to ensure that:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=<user-name>
- gcloud should be installed and configured with following commands in order to be used by the
to configure GCP broker.gcloud components install beta gcloud auth login gcloud auth application-default login
is written in Go and can be installed using go get
go get -u
After running the above command, sc
should get installed in your GOPATH/bin dir.
To print usage instructions, run
sc --help
To check if all the dependencies are installed, run
sc check Dependency check passed. You are good to go.
To install Service Catalog in Kubernetes cluster, run install help. If you are running on a non-GCP environment, specify the storageclass that you want to use for the backup.
sc install --help installs Service Catalog in Kubernetes cluster. assumes kubectl is configured to connect to the Kubernetes cluster. Usage: sc install [flags] Flags: --etcd-backup-storageclass string Etcd Backup StorageClass (default "standard") --etcd-cluster-size int32 Etcd cluster size (default 3) -h, --help help for install Global Flags: --alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files --log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0) --log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory --logtostderr log to standard error instead of files --stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2) -v, --v Level log level for V logs --vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
To uninstall Service Catalog in Kubernetes cluster, run
sc uninstall
To add GCP Service Broker to the Service Catalog, run
sc add-gcp-broker
To remove GCP Service Broker from the Service Catalog, run
sc remove-gcp-broker
If you want to build the installer yourself, here are the instructions to do so.
# Install [Go Dep]( for dependency management using `go get`
go get -u
# Install `go-bindata` using `go get`
go get -u
# To build `sc` binary, run
# You should `sc` binary created in output/bin directory.
Once you have Service Catalog installed and GCP broker added to the cluster. Follow this basic tutorial to get started with Service Catalog.
We are always looking for contributors, so if you want to contribute to the installer codebase, please follow the workflow instructions.