is a Czech web and mobile mapping application developed by, offering worldwide map coverage, route planning, and additional features for tourists and drivers. Developers can integrate data and functionalities into their applications using the following tools:
The REST API provides access to various mapping functions, enabling integration into web, mobile, or desktop applications. Key features include:
- Map Tiles: Access raster map tiles to create interactive maps.
- Static Maps: Retrieve images with maps and additional layers based on selected parameters.
- Geocoding: Perform forward and reverse geocoding, including address validation and conversion between addresses and coordinates.
- Routing: Plan routes and utilize matrix routing functionalities.
- Elevation: Obtain elevation data for specific locations.
- Time Zones: Determine local time, time zones, and time offsets.
For detailed technical documentation, visit the REST API functions page.
For applications targeting the Czech Republic, the JS Panorama component allows embedding panoramic images. This JavaScript component displays spherical images on your website, enabling users to look around and navigate between adjacent images. The component manages data loading via the REST API.
For more information and examples, refer to the JS Panorama page.
Beyond APIs, offers other integration methods:
- IFrame: Easily embed maps into web pages without API knowledge or programming.
- URL: Utilize documented URLs to invoke specific functions, such as displaying maps, points, searches, or planning routes.
- Mobile Application Invocation: Call the mobile application (available on Android and iOS) from external applications.
For more details, visit the Further Uses of page.