Code developed during the second year of my bachelor, while studying for the calculus exam.
ACHTUNG! This has been written by past-me
, please show some understanding, he had only just started coding. This has been one of his first small projects. I know, it's awful to configure and to change the function parameters
Given a succession of functions f_k(x)
with k \in Z
plots all thef(x) = f_k(x)
one after the otherfourier-series.cpp
one after the other
I used ROOT to plot the functions and create a gif file.
Wish list for future improvements (no, do not expect these coming from me)
- improve configuration
- it would be nice to separate the configuration from the source code, while maintaining the generality
- improve performance
- it is super, there is a lot to improve in how the functions are defined and in how root objects are accessed (to change the range on ay axis, for example)
f(x) = sin (k * x), x \in [-pi, pi]
f(x) = 0 if x \in [-pi, 0], = -cos(x) if x \in [0, pi]
approximated with Fourier Series
f(x) = abs(x), x \in [-pi, pi]
approximated with Fourier Series
f(x) = periodic_step(x), x \in [-2pi, pi]
approximated with Fourier Series
f(x) = sawtooth(x), x \in [-2pi, pi]
approximated with Fourier Series
f(x) = triangle(x), x \in [-2pi, pi]
approximated with Fourier Series
Run with ROOT
# tested GNU/Linux, maybe it works on OSX also.
docker run \
-v /host/directory/series-functions:/src \
-v ~/temp/docker-root/:/root: \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
--user (id -u):(id -g) \
--rm -it \
rootproject/root bash
cd /src
g++ -o four fourier-series.cpp `root-config --cflags --glibs`