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@MapboxCI MapboxCI released this 07 Nov 21:45
· 2592 commits to master since this release

Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v4.5.0:

Styles and rendering

  • Added the ability to style symbol layers labels with multiple fonts and text sizes via the format expression operator. (#12624)
  • Fixed a crash when using the MGL_LET, MGL_MATCH, MGL_IF, or MGL_FUNCTION functions without a colon inside an NSExpression or NSPredicate format string. (#13189)
  • Fixed a crash setting the MGLLineStyleLayer.lineGradient property to an expression containing the $lineProgress variable. Added an NSExpression.lineProgressVariableExpression class property that returns an expression for the $lineProgress variable. (#13192)
  • Fixed an issue where feature querying would fail for symbols that set both MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconRotation and MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconOffset. (#13105)
  • Fixed an issue where polygons crossing tile boundaries could be improperly clipped. (#13231)
  • Fixed improper wrapping of ±180° longitude values in MGLCoordinateBounds. (#13006)

Offline maps

  • Added prioritization of user-interactive resource requests, over offline requests. (#13019)
  • Added the -[MGLOfflineStorage putResourceWithUrl:data:modified:expires:etag:mustRevalidate:] method to allow pre-warming of the ambient cache. (#13022)

Other changes

  • Fixed an issue where snapshots had the wrong heading and pitch. (#13123)
  • Fixed an issue where -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:shouldChangeFromCamera:toCamera:] was called with an incorrectly rotated newCamera when the user rotated the map. (#13123)

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.